LC-20 Torque Wrench Calibrator

Range Model Number
6.25 in-lb LC-20-6.25
12.5 in-lb LC-20-12.5
31.25 in-lb LC-20-31.25
62.5 in-lb LC-20-62.5
100 in-lb LC-20-100
200 in-lb LC-20-200
1000 in-lb LC-20-1000
2000 in-lb LC-20-2000
3000 in-lb LC-20-3000
600 ft-lb LC-20-SP60*
*LC-20-SP60 has a separate mounting plate/loader which is secured to the work surface.

Accuracy: Better than +/-0.25% full scale
Display: 32-digit alphanumeric super-twist LCD
Power Required: 115 Vac or 230 Vac
Electrical Supply: 50 to 60 Hz (specify)
Dimensions: 8" high, 36" long, 8"
Weight: 20 lb
Custom Torque Ranges Available

Additional Square Drive Adapters: 1/4" and 3/8"
Calibration Kit: Used to verify continued accuracy of the torque wrench calibrator and to provide traceability to NIST. Kit comes with arm and weight pan; calibration weights quoted on request.
Battery Power: Built-in rechargeable Ni-Cd battery pack is an available option.