Load Pins & Cells

Load Pin Transducer

Teledyne LeCroy Test Services (TLTS) offers Load Pin Transducers to determine radial loading on a pinned joint. We also manufacture custom Load Cells to measure single or multiple-axis loading in demanding customer requirements.

Load Pin Transducers (also known as Shear Pin Sensors) measure loads using a strain gage element sensitive to shear loads. Using a laboratory calibration traceable to NIST, shear strain is related to load. Typical sizes range from 5/8 inch to 3.5 inch diameter. Two-component output is available for applications where loads are in the X & Y planes.

TLTS provides a comprehensive solution by considering the loading, signal condityioning, and environmental protection requirements of your application. We will also help determine if single or dual axis measurements are required and recommend an anti-rotation strategy.

Load Pin Transducer

For axial loads, load cells are commonly used. Where a standard cell is not available or will not perform, TLTS may be of assistance. We will design and manufacture a Custom Load Cell to unique requirements such as harsh environments, limited space, or high-overload conditions.

Load Pin Applications:
Clevis Pin Loading -- Crane Loads -- Anchor Line Loading -- Tongue & Shackle Connections -- Pulley & Sheave Loading -- Hydraulic Cylinder Loading

Load Cell Applications:
Material Handling -- Vehicle Weighing -- Structural Integrity