Mixed Signal Test Solutions
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UART and RS232 Bus Trigger & Decode Opt. for WSXs Oscilloscopes

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    Serial Trigger and Decode

WaveSurfer 3000z Oscilloscopes
WS3K-AudioBus TD - AudioBus trigger and decode option for WaveSurfer 3000z
WS3K-AUTO - CAN and LIN Trigger and Decode Package for WaveSurfer 3000 / 3000z
WS3K-CAN FDbus TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Package for WaveSurfer 3000 / 3000z
WS3K-EMB - I2C, SPI, UART and RS-232 Trigger and Decode Package for WaveSurfer 3000 / 3000z
WS3K-FlexRayBus TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Package for WaveSurfer 3000 / 3000z
WaveSurfer 4000HD High Definition Oscilloscopes
WS4KHD-AUDIO TD - AudioBus trigger and decode option for WaveSurfer 4000HD
WS4KHD-AUTO TD - Automotive SW bundle (CAN, CAN FD, LIN & FlexRay) for WaveSurfer 4000HD
WS4KHD-EMB TD - Embedded SW bundle (I2C, SPI, UART/RS232) for WaveSurfer 4000HD
HDO4000A High Definition Oscilloscopes
HDO4K-DPAUX TD - DisplayPort AUX Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-100Base-T1bus TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and decode option for HDO4000
HDO4K-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-USB4SB TD - USB4-SB Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-DPAUX D - DisplayPort AUX Decode Option for HDO4000 Limited Availability
HDO4K-ARINC429BUS Dsymbolic - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode option for HDO4000
HDO4K-Audiobus TD - AudioBus trigger and decode option for HDO4000
HDO4K-AUTO - CAN, LIN and FlexRay Trigger and Decode Package for HDO4000
HDO4K-CAN FDbus TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4K Oscilloscopes
HDO4K-CAN XL TD - CAN/ CAN FD/ CAN XL Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-DigRF3Gbus D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode option for HDO4000
HDO4K-DigRFv4bus D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode option for HDO4000
HDO4K-DPHYbus D - MIPI D-PHY CSI-2, DSI Bus Decode option for HDO4000
HDO4K-EMB - I2C, SPI, UART and RS-232 Trigger and Decode Package for HDO4000
HDO4K-ENETbus D - ENET Bus Decode Option for HDO4K
HDO4K-FlexRaybus TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-I2Cbus TD - I2C Bus Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4k-I3Cbus TD - I3C Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000 (I2C supported)
HDO4K-LINbus TD - LIN Bus Trigger & Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-Manchesterbus D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for HDO4K
HDO4K-MDIObus D - MDIO Decode for HDO4000 Series
HDO4K-NRZbus D - NRZ Bus Decode Option for HDO4K
HDO4K-PMBus TD - PMBus Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-SENTbus TD - SENT Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-SMBus TD - SMBus Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-SpaceWirebus D - SpaceWire Decode Option for HDO4K series
HDO4K-SPIbus TD - SPI Bus Trigger & Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4k-SPMIbus TD - SPMI Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-UART-RS232bus TD - UART and RS232 Bus Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-USB2-HSICbus D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO4K-USB2bus TD - USB 2.0 Bus Trigger and Decode option for HDO4000
HDO4K-USBPD TD - USB-PD Trigger and Decode Option for HDO4000
HDO6000B High Definition Oscilloscopes
HDO6K-100BASE-T1 TDMP - 100Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-QSPI TD - QSPI (Simple Data, Dual-, Quad-SPI) Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000-Serie
HDO6K-DPAUX TD - DisplayPort AUX Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-DPAUX TDMP - DisplayPort AUX Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-100Base-T1bus TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-USBPD TD - USB-PD Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-10BASE-T1S TDME - 10Base-T1S Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-1553 TDME - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-USBPD TDMP - USB-PD Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-DPAUX DMP - DisplayPort AUX Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for HDO6000 Limited Availability
HDO6K-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-USB4SB TDMP - USB4-SB Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and PHY Measurement Option for HDO6000
HDO6k-ARINC429BUS DME SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-USB4SB TD - USB4-SB Trigger and DecodeOption for HDO6000
HDO6K-ARINC429BUS Dsymbolic - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode option for HDO6000
HDO6K-DPAUX D - DisplayPort AUX Decode Option for HDO6000 Limited Availability
HDO6K-Audiobus TD - AudioBus trigger and decode option for HDO6000
HDO6K-Audiobus TDG - AudioBus trigger, decode, and graph option for HDO6000
HDO6K-CAN FDbus TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-CAN FDBUS TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN and CAN FD Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-CAN XL TD - CAN/ CAN FD/ CAN XL Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-CAN XL TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN /CAN FD/ CAN XL Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-DigRF3Gbus D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode option for HDO6000
HDO6K-DigRFv4bus D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode option for HDO6000
HDO6K-DPHYbus D - MIPI D-PHY CSI-2, DSI Bus Decode option for HDO6000
HDO6K-EMB TD - Bundle: Includes I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Options for HDO6000
HDO6K-EMB TDME - Bundle: Incl. I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for HDO6000
HDO6K-ENETbus D - ENET Bus Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-FlexRaybus TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-FLEXRAYBUS TDMP - FlexRay Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-I2Cbus TD - I2C Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-I2CBUS TDME - I2C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6k-I3Cbus TD - I3C Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000 (I2C supported)
HDO6k-I3Cbus TDME - I3C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000 (I2C supported)
HDO6K-LINbus TD - LIN Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-LINBUS TDME - LIN Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-Manchesterbus D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-MDIObus D - MDIO Decode for HDO6000 Series
HDO6K-NRZbus D - NRZ Bus Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-PMBus TD - PMBus Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-PMBus TDME - PMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-SENTbus TD - SENT Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-SENTbus TDME - SENT Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-SMBus TD - SMBus Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-SMBus TDME - SMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-SpaceWirebus D - SpaceWire Decode Option for HDO6K series
HDO6K-SPIbus TD - SPI Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-SPIBUS TDME - SPI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6k-SPMIbus TD - SPMI Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6k-SPMIbus TDME - SPMI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-UART-RS232bus TD - UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-UART-RS232BUS TDME - UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-USB2-HSICbus D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6K-USB2bus TD - USB 2.0 Trigger and Decode Option for HDO6000
HDO6k-USB2BUS TDME - USB 2.0 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for HDO6000
WaveRunner 9000 Oscilloscopes
WR9K-100BASE-T1 TDMP - 100Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-QSPI TD - QSPI (Simple Data, Dual-, Quad-SPI) Trigger and Decode Option for WR9K-Serie
WR9K-DPAUX TD - DisplayPort AUX Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-DPAUX TDMP - DisplayPort AUX Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-CPHYBUS D - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-USBPD TDMP - USB-PD Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-DPAUX DMP - DisplayPort AUX Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner 9000 Limited Availability
WR9K-USB4SB TDMP - USB4-SB Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and PHY measurement Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-100Base-T1bus TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-DPAUX D - DisplayPort AUX Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000 Limited Availability
WR9K-10BASE-T1S TDME - 10Base-T1S Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-USB4SB TD - USB4-SB Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-CPHYBUS DMP - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-1553 TDME - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-80B-8b10b TD - 8b10b Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000 series. Includes 80 bit 3 Gb serial trigger.
WR9K-ARINC429BUS DSYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-ARINC429BUS DME SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-Audiobus TD - AudioBus Trigger and Decode option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-Audiobus TDG - AudioBus trigger, decode, and graph option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-CAN FDBUS TD - CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-CAN FDBUS TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN FD Symbolic Trigger, Decode, and Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-CAN XL TD - CAN/ CAN FD/ CAN XL Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-CAN XL TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN /CAN FD/ CAN XL Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WR 9000
WR9K-DigRF3Gbus D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-DigRFV4bus D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-DPHYbus D - MIPI D-PHY CSI-2, DSI Bus Decode option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-DPHYbus DP - MIPI D-PHY CSI-2, DSI Bus Decode and Physical Layer test option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-EMB TD - Bundle: Includes I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Options for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-EMB TDME - Bundle: Incl. I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WaveRunn
WR9K-ENETbus D - ENET Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-FCbus D - FibreChannel decode annotation option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-FLEXRAYBUS TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-FLEXRAYBUS TDMP - FlexRay Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-I2CBUS TD - I2C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-I2CBUS TDME - I2C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9k-I3Cbus TD - I3C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000 (I2C supported)
WR9k-I3Cbus TDME - I3C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000 (I2C supported)
WR9K-LINBUS TD - LIN Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-LINBUS TDME - LIN Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-MANCHESTERbus D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-MPHYbus D - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-MPHYbus DP - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode and Physical Layer test Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-MDIOBUS D - MDIO Decode for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-NRZbus D - NRZ Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-PCIebus D - PCIe Gen 1 Decode option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-PMBus TD - PMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-PMBus TDME - PMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-ProtoSync - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer Synchronization Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-ProtoSync-BT - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer+Bit Tracer Synchronization Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SASbus D - SAS Decode annotation option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SATAbus TD - SATA Trigger and Decode option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SENTbus TD - SENT Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SENTbus TDME - SENT Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SMBus TD - SMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SMBus TDME - SMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SPACEWIREbus D - SpaceWire Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SPIBUS TD - SPI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-SPIBUS TDME - SPI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9k-SPMIbus TD - SPMI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9k-SPMIbus TDME - SPMI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-UART-RS232BUS TD - UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-UART-RS232BUS TDME - UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-UNIPRObus D - MIPI UniPro Protocol Decoder Software Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-UPG-MPHY-UNIPRObus D - MPHY to UniPro Decoder Software Upgrade MPHY REQUIRED
WR9K-USB2BUS TD - USB 2.0 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-USB2BUS TDME - USB 2.0 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner 9000
WR9K-USB2-HSICbus D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option for WaveRunner 9000
WaveRunner 8000HD 8 Channel High Definition Oscilloscopes
WR8KHD-1000BASE-T1 TDMP - 1000Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-100BASE-T1 TDMP - 100Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-QSPI TD - QSPI (Simple Data, Dual-, Quad-SPI) Trigger and Decode Option for WR8KHD-Serie
WR8KHD-DPAUX TD - DisplayPort AUX Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-100Base-T1bus TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USBPD TDMP - USB-PD Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DPAUX DMP - DisplayPort AUX Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD Limited Availability
WR8KHD-10BASE-T1S TDME - 10Base-T1S Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB4SB TDMP - USB4-SB Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and PHY Measurement Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB4SB TD - USB4-SB Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-1553 TDME - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-8B10B D - 8b10b Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DPAUX D - DisplayPort AUX Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD Limited Availability
WR8KHD-ARINC429BUS D SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-ARINC429BUS DME SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-AUDIOBUS TD - AudioBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-AUDIOBUS TDG - AudioBus Trigger, Decode, and Graph Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN FDBUS TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN FDBUS TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN/CAN FD Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN XL TD - CAN/ CAN FD/ CAN XL Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN XL TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN /CAN FD/ CAN XL Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WR/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DIGRF3GBUS D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DIGRFV4BUS D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DPHYBUS D - D-PHY Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-EMB TD - Bundle: Includes I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Options for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-EMB TDME - Bundle: Incl. I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trig, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt for WR/MDA 8KHD
WR8KHD-ENETBUS D - ENET Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-FLEXRAYBUS TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-FLEXRAYBUS TDMP - FlexRay Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-I2CBUS TD - I2C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-I2CBUS TDME - I2C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-I3CBUS TD - I3C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD (I2C supported)
WR8KHD-I3CBUS TDME - I3C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD (I2C supported)
WR8KHD-LINBUS TD - LIN Trigger and Decode Option for for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-LINBUS TDME - LIN Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-MANCHESTERBUS D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-MDIOBUS D - MDIO Decode for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-NRZBUS D - NRZ Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-PMBus TD - PMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-PMBus TDME - PMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SENTbus TD - SENT Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SENTbus TDME - SENT Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SMBus TD - SMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SMBus TDME - SMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPACEWIREBUS D - SpaceWire Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPIBUS TD - SPI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPIBUS TDME - SPI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPMIBUS TD - SPMI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPMIBUS TDME - SPMI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-UART-RS232BUS TD - UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-UART-RS232BUS TDME - UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB2BUS TD - USB 2.0 Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB2BUS TDME - USB 2.0 Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB2-HSICBUS D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USBPD TD - USB-PD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
MDA 8000HD Motor Drive Analyzers
WR8KHD-1000BASE-T1 TDMP - 1000Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-100BASE-T1 TDMP - 100Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-QSPI TD - QSPI (Simple Data, Dual-, Quad-SPI) Trigger and Decode Option for WR8KHD-Serie
WR8KHD-100Base-T1bus TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-10BASE-T1S TDME - 10Base-T1S Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-1553 TDME - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-8B10B D - 8b10b Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-ARINC429BUS D SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-ARINC429BUS DME SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-AUDIOBUS TD - AudioBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-AUDIOBUS TDG - AudioBus Trigger, Decode, and Graph Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN FDBUS TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN FDBUS TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN/CAN FD Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN XL TD - CAN/ CAN FD/ CAN XL Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-CAN XL TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN /CAN FD/ CAN XL Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WR/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DIGRF3GBUS D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DIGRFV4BUS D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-DPHYBUS D - D-PHY Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-EMB TD - Bundle: Includes I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Options for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-EMB TDME - Bundle: Incl. I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trig, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt for WR/MDA 8KHD
WR8KHD-ENETBUS D - ENET Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-FLEXRAYBUS TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-FLEXRAYBUS TDMP - FlexRay Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-I2CBUS TD - I2C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-I2CBUS TDME - I2C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-I3CBUS TD - I3C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD (I2C supported)
WR8KHD-I3CBUS TDME - I3C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD (I2C supported)
WR8KHD-LINBUS TD - LIN Trigger and Decode Option for for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-LINBUS TDME - LIN Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-MANCHESTERBUS D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-MDIOBUS D - MDIO Decode for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-NRZBUS D - NRZ Bus Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-PMBus TD - PMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-PMBus TDME - PMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SENTbus TD - SENT Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SENTbus TDME - SENT Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SMBus TD - SMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SMBus TDME - SMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPACEWIREBUS D - SpaceWire Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPIBUS TD - SPI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPIBUS TDME - SPI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPMIBUS TD - SPMI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-SPMIBUS TDME - SPMI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-UART-RS232BUS TD - UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-UART-RS232BUS TDME - UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB2BUS TD - USB 2.0 Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB2BUS TDME - USB 2.0 Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USB2-HSICBUS D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WR8KHD-USBPD TD - USB-PD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveRunner/MDA 8000HD
WavePro HD Oscilloscopes
WPHD-1000BASE-T1 TDMP - 1000Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-100BASE-T1 TDMP - 100Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-QSPI TD - QSPI (Simple Data, Dual-, Quad-SPI) Trigger and Decode Option for WPHD-Serie
WPHD-DPAUX TD - DisplayPort AUX Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-DPAUX TDMP - DisplayPort AUX Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-100Base-T1bus TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-10BASE-T1S TDME - 10Base-T1S Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-1553 TDME - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-8B10B D - 8b10b Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-ARINC429BUS D SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode option for for WavePro HD
WPHD-ARINC429BUS DME SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-AUDIOBUS TD - AudioBus trigger and decode for WavePro HD
WPHD-AUDIOBUS TDG - AudioBus trigger, decode, and graph for WavePro HD
WPHD-CAN FDBUS TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-CAN FDBUS TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN/CAN FD Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-CAN XL TD - CAN/ CAN FD/ CAN XL Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-CAN XL TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN /CAN FD/ CAN XL Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-CPHYBUS D - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-CPHYBUS DMP - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-DIGRF3GBUS D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode option for WavePro HD
WPHD-DIGRFV4BUS D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode option for WavePro HD
WPHD-DPAUX D - DisplayPort AUX Decode Option for WavePro HD Limited Availability
WPHD-DPAUX DMP - DisplayPort AUX Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WavePro HD Limited Availability
WPHD-DPHYBUS D - D-PHY Bus Decode option for WavePro HD
WPHD-DPHYBUS DP - MIPI D-PHY CSI-2, DSI Bus Decode and Physical Layer test option for WavePro HD
WPHD-EMB TD - Bundle: Includes I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Options for WavePro HD
WPHD-EMB TDME - Bundle: Incl. I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trig, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt for WavePro HD
WPHD-ENETBUS D - ENET Bus Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-FCBUS D - FibreChannel decode annotation option for WavePro HD
WPHD-FLEXRAYBUS TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-FLEXRAYBUS TDMP - FlexRay Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-I2CBUS TD - I2C Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-I2CBUS TDME - I2C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-I3Cbus TD - I3C Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD (I2C supported)
WPHD-I3Cbus TDME - I3C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD (I2C supported)
WPHD-LINBUS TD - LIN Trigger and Decode Option for for WavePro HD
WPHD-LINBUS TDME - LIN Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for for WavePro HD
WPHD-MANCHESTERBUS D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-MDIOBUS D - MDIO Decode for WavePro HD
WPHD-MPHYBUS D - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode option for WavePro HD
WPHD-MPHYBUS DP - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode and Physical Layer test option for WavePro HD
WPHD-NRZBUS D - NRZ Bus Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-PCIEBUS D - PCI Express (Gen 1.x, 2.0, and 3.0) Protocol Link Layer Decode Annotation for WavePro HD
WPHD-PMBus TD - PMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-PMBus TDME - PMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-PROTOSYNC - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer Software Synchronization Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-PROTOSYNC-BT - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer + Bit Tracer Software Synchronization Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SASBUS D - SAS Decode annotation option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SATABUS D - SATA Decode option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SENTbus TD - SENT Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SENTbus TDME - SENT Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SMBus TD - SMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SMBus TDME - SMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SPACEWIREBUS D - SpaceWire Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SPIBUS TD - SPI Trigger and Decode Option for for WavePro HD
WPHD-SPIBUS TDME - SPI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for for WavePro HD
WPHD-SPMIBUS D - SPMI Decode for WavePro HD
WPHD-SPMIbus TD - SPMI Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-SPMIbus TDME - SPMI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-UART-RS232BUS TD - UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Option for for WavePro HD
WPHD-UART-RS232BUS TDME - UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for for WavePro HD
WPHD-UNIPROBUS D - MIPI UniPro Protocol Decoder Software Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-USB2-HSICBUS D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-USB2bus TD - USB 2.0 Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-USB2bus TDME - USB 2.0 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-USB32BUS D - USB 3.2 Decode for WavePro HD
WPHD-USB4SB TD - USB4-SB Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-USB4SB TDMP - USB4-SB Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and PHY Measurment Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-USBPD TD - USB-PD Trigger and Decode Option for WavePro HD
WPHD-USBPD TDMP - USB-PD Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WavePro HD
WaveMaster / SDA / DDA 8 Zi-B Oscilloscopes
WM8Zi-1000BASE-T1 TDMP - 1000Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-100BASE-T1 TDMP - 100Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-QSPI D - QSPI (Simple Data, Dual-, Quad-SPI) Decode Option for WM8Zi-Serie
WM8Zi-100Base-T1bus TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-USB4BUS DME - USB4 and TBT4 Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Measurements Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B and 8Zi-A Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8ZI-1553 TDME - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-64b66b D - 64b66b Decode Option
WM8Zi-10BASE-T1S TDME - 10Base-T1S Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster 8Zi
WM8ZI-USB4SB TDMP - USB4/TBT4 SB Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and PHY Meas. Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-6GBIT-80B-SYMBOL-TD - 80-bit NRZ, 8b/10b, and 64b/66b 6.5 Gbps Serial Trigger option for WaveMaster 8 Zi-A and DDA 8 Zi-A Limited Availability
WM8Zi-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-USB4SB TD - USB4 and Thunderbolt Sideband Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-8B10B D - 8b10b Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi and 8Zi-A Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8Zi-ARINC429BUS DME SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WM/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-ARINC429bus DSymbolic - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-AudioBus TD - AudioBus trigger and decode for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi and 8Zi-A Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8Zi-AudioBus TDG - AudioBus trigger, decode, and graph for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi and 8Zi-A Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8Zi-CAN FDbus TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B Oscilloscopes
WM8ZI-CAN FDBUS TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN/CAN FD Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WM/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-CPHYBUS D - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-CPHYBUS DMP - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-DigRF3Gbus D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi
WM8Zi-DigRFV4bus D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi series
WM8Zi-DPHYbus D - D-PHY Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi
WM8Zi-DPHYbus DP - MIPI D-PHY CSI-2, DSI Bus Decode and Physical Layer test option for WaveMaster 8Zi series
WM8ZI-EMB TD - Bundle: Includes I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Options for for WM/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-EMB TDME - Bundle: Incl. I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diag Opt. for 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-ENET10Gbus D - ENET 10G Decode Option
WM8Zi-ENETbus D - ENET Bus Decode Option for WaveMaster 8Zi
WM8Zi-FCbus D - FibreChannel decode annotation option for WaveMaster 8Zi series
WM8Zi-FlexRayBus TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B and Analyzers
WM8ZI-FLEXRAYBUS TDMP - FlexRay Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-I2Cbus TD - I2C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8ZI-I2CBUS TDME - I2C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-I3CBUS D - I3C Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-I3CBUS DME - I3C Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-LINbus TD - LIN Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8ZI-LINBUS TDME - LIN Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-Manchesterbus D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for WaveMaster 8Zi
WM8Zi-MDIObus D - MDIO Decode for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi/Zi-A/Zi-B Series
WM8Zi-MPHYbus D - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi series
WM8Zi-MPHYbus DP - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode and Physical Layer test option for WaveMaster 8Zi series
WM8Zi-PCIEbus D - PCI Express Protocol Link Layer Decode Annotation for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi and 8Zi-A Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8Zi-ProtoSync - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer Software Synchronization Option for WaveMaster 8Zi/Zi-A
WM8Zi-ProtoSync-BT - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer+Bit Tracer SW Synchronization Option for WaveMaster 8Zi/Zi-A
WM8Zi-SASbus D - SAS Decode annotation option for WaveMaster 8Zi series
WM8Zi-SATAbus D - SATA Decode option for WaveMaster 8Zi Supports SATA Gen 1, 2, and 3.
WM8ZI-SENTbus D - SENT Bus Decode Option for WaveMaster 8Zi
WM8Zi-SpaceWirebus D - SpaceWire Decode Option for WaveMaster 8Zi series
WM8Zi-SPIbus TD - SPI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8ZI-SPIBUS TDME - SPI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8Zi-SPMIbus D - SPMI Decode for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8Zi/Zi-A/Zi-B Series
WM8Zi-UART-RS232bus TD - UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B Oscilloscopes and Analyzers
WM8ZI-UART-RS232BUS TDME - UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-UNIPRObus D - MIPI UniPro Protocol Decoder Software Option
WM8Zi-USB2-HSICbus D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option
WM8Zi-USB2bus D - USB 2.0 Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-USB2BUS DME - USB 2.0 Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-USB32BUS D - USB 3.2 Decode for for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-USBPD TD - USB-PD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WM8ZI-USBPD TDMP - USB-PD Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA/DDA 8 Zi/-A/-B
WaveMaster 8000HD
WM8KHD-QSPI TD - QSPI (Simple Data, Dual-, Quad-SPI) Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-DPAUX TD - DisplayPort AUX Trigger and Decode Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-DPAUX TDMP - DisplayPort AUX Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-DPAUX TDMP - DisplayPort AUX Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-1000BASE-T1 TDMP - 1000Base-T1 Trigger, Decode for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-100BASE-T1 TDMP - 100Base-T1 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-100BASE-T1BUS TD - 100Base-T1 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-10BASE-T1S TD - 10Base-T1S Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-10BASE-T1S TDME - 10Base-T1S Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-1553 TD - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-1553 TDME - MIL-STD-1553 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-64B66B D - 64b66b Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-8B10B D - 8b10b Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-ARINC429BUS DME SYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-ARINC429BUS DSYMBOLIC - ARINC 429 Bus Symbolic Decode option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-AUDIOBUS TD - AudioBus trigger and decode for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-AUDIOBUS TDG - AudioBus trigger, decode, and graph for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-CAN FDBUS TD - CAN and CAN FD Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD Oscilloscopes
WM8KHD-CAN FDBUS TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN/CAN FD Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-CAN XL TD - CAN/CAN FD/CAN XL Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-CAN XL TDME SYMBOLIC - CAN/CAN FD/CAN XL Symbolic Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, Eye Diag. Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-CPHYBUS D - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-CPHYBUS DMP - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-DIGRF3GBUS D - DigRF 3G Bus Decode option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-DIGRFV4BUS D - DigRF V4 Bus Decode option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-DPAUX D - DisplayPort AUX Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD Limited Availability
WM8KHD-DPAUX DMP - DisplayPort AUX Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD Limited Availability
WM8KHD-DPHYBUS D - D-PHY Bus Decode option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-DPHYBUS DP - MIPI D-PHY CSI-2, DSI Bus Decode and Physical Layer test option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-EMB TD - Bundle: Includes I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Options for for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-EMB TDME - Bundle: Incl. I2C, SPI, UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-ENET10GBUS D - ENET 10G Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-ENETBUS D - ENET Bus Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-FCBUS D - FibreChannel decode annotation option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-FLEXRAYBUS TD - FlexRay Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-FLEXRAYBUS TDMP - FlexRay Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-I2CBUS TD - I2C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-I2CBUS TDME - I2C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-I3CBUS TD - I3C Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-I3CBUS TDME - I3C Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-LINBUS TD - LIN Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-LINBUS TDME - LIN Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-MANCHESTERBUS D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-MDIOBUS D - MDIO Decode for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-MPHYBUS D - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-MPHYBUS DP - MIPI M-PHY Bus Decode and Physical layer option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-PCIEBUS D - PCI Express Protocol Link Layer Decode Annotation for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-PMBUS TD - PMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-PMBUS TDME - PMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster 8000HD
WM8KHD-PROTOSYNC - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer Software Sync Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-PROTOSYNC-BT - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer+BitTracer SW Sync Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SASBUS D - SAS Decode annotation option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SATABUS D - SATA Gen 1,2,3 Decode option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SENTBUS TD - SENT Bus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SENTBUS TDME - SENT Bus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SMBUS TD - SMBus Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster 8000HD
WM8KHD-SMBUS TDME - SMBus Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster 8000HD
WM8KHD-SPACEWIREBUS D - SpaceWire Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SPIBUS TD - SPI Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SPIBUS TDME - SPI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SPMIBUS TD - SPMI Trigger and Decode for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-SPMIBUS TDME - SPMI Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-UART-RS232BUS TD - UART-RS232 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-UART-RS232BUS TDME - UART-RS232 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-UNIPROBUS D - MIPI UniPro Protocol Decoder Software Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USB2-HSICBUS D - USB 2.0 HSIC Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USB2BUS TD - USB 2.0 Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USB2BUS TDME - USB 2.0 Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USB32BUS D - USB 3.2 Decode for for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USB4BUS DME - USB4 and Thunderbolt Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Measurements Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USB4SB TD - USB4 and Thunderbolt Sideband Trigger and Decode Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USB4SB TDMP - USB4/TBT4 Sideband Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and PHY Meas. Option for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USBPD TD - USB-PD Trigger and Decode Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
WM8KHD-USBPD TDMP - USB-PD Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Opt. for WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD
LabMaster 10 Zi-A Oscilloscopes
LM10ZI-PCIE6BUS D - PCI Express 6.0 to 1.0 Protocol Link Layer Decode Annotation for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-1553 D - MIL-STD-1553 Decode option for LabMaster 10Zi Series
LM10ZI-USB4BUS DME - USB4 and Thunderbolt Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Measurements Option for LabMaster 10 Zi
LM10Zi-64B66B D - 64b/66b Decode option for LabMaster 10Zi Series
LM10Zi-6GBIT-80B-SYMBOL-TD - 80-bit NRZ, 8b/10b, and 64b/66b 6.5 Gbps Serial Trigger option for LabMaster 10 Zi Limited Availability
LM10Zi-8B10B D - 8b/10b Decode option for LabMaster 10Zi Series
LM10ZI-USB4SB DMP - USB4-SB Decode, Measure/Graph, and PHY Measurement Option LabMaster 10 Zi
LM10ZI-USB4SB D - USB4-SB Decode Option LabMaster 10 Zi
LM10Zi-ARINC429bus Dsymbolic - ARINC 429 Symbolic Decode for LabMaster 10Zi Series
LM10Zi-AUDIOBUS D - Audio (I2S) Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-AUDIOBUS DG - Audio (I2S) Decode and Graphing for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-CAN FDbus D - CAN and CAN FD Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi Oscilloscopes
LM10Zi-CPHYBUS D - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode Option for LabMaster 10 Zi/-A
LM10Zi-CPHYBUS DMP - C-PHY (DSI-2/CSI-2) Decode, Measure/Graph and Physical Layer Option for LabMaster 10 Zi/-A
LM10Zi-DigRF3Gbus D - DigRF 3G Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-DigRFv4bus D - DigRF v4 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-DPHYbus D - MIPI DPHY Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-DPHYbus DP - MIPI DPHY Decode and Physical Layer Test for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10ZI-ENET10GBUS D - Ethernet 10GBASE-R Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-ENETbus D - ENET Bus Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi
LM10Zi-FCbus D - FibreChannel Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-FLEXRAYBUS D - FlexRay Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-FLEXRAYBUS DP - FlexRay Decode and Physical Layer Test for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-I2CBUS D - I2C Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10ZI-I3CBUS D - I3C Decode Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10ZI-I3CBUS DME - I3C Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-LINBUS D - LIN Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-Manchesterbus D - Manchester Bus Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi
LM10Zi-MDIObus D - MDIO Decode for LabMaster 10Zi/Zi-A Series
LM10Zi-MPHYbus D - MIPI MPHY Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-MPHYbus DP - MIPI MPHY Decode and Physical Layer Test for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-PCIEBUS D - PCI Express (Gen 1.x, 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0) Protocol Link Layer Decode Annotation - LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-PROTOSYNC - Decode Annotation and Protocol Analyzer Software Synchronization Option for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-PROTOSYNC-BT - Decode Annotation & Protocol Analyzer+Bit Tracer SW Synchronization Option for LabMaster 10Zi Series
LM10Zi-SASbus D - SAS Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-SATAbus D - SATA Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10ZI-SENTbus D - SENT Bus Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi
LM10Zi-SpaceWirebus D - SpaceWire Decode Option for LabMaster 10Zi series
LM10Zi-SPIBUS D - SPI Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10Zi-SPMIbus D - SPMI Decode for LabMaster 10Zi/Zi-A Series
LM10Zi-UART-RS232BUS D - UART-RS232 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10ZI-UNIPRObus D - MIPI UniPro Protocol Decoder Software Option
LM10Zi-USB2bus D - USB1.1x, 2.0 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10ZI-USB32BUS D - USB 3.2 Decode for LabMaster 10 Zi Series
LM10ZI-USBPD D - USB-PD Decode Option for LabMaster 10 Zi
LM10ZI-USBPD DMP - USB-PD Decode, Measure/Graph, and Physical Layer Option LabMaster 10 Zi
The Most Intuitive Decode

Teledyne LeCroy decode solutions use color-coded overlays on various sections of the protocol for an easy-to-understand visual display. Depending on the time base or the amount of zoom, the decode information is condensed or expanded to better assist in understanding events during short or long acquisitions.

Powerful Conditional Data triggering

Completely isolate specific protocol message events for better understanding and debug. Use a conditional DATA trigger to select a range of DATA values to trigger on, not just a single DATA value.

Convenient Table Display Summarizes Results

Turn your oscilloscope into a protocol analyzer with the table display of protocol information. Custom configure the table to display the information you want, and export table data into an Excel file. Touch the message in the table and automatically zoom for detail. In all cases, the table never obscures your waveform.

Search and Zoom

The powerful search engine can quickly find an Event, Packet, Transaction, or Protocol Error. Search through a long record of decoded data by entering any of the available search criteria by entering a value or simply finding the next occurrence.


Leading Features


  • I2C, SPI, UART and RS-232 Trigger and Decode
  • Color-coded decode overlaid on the waveform is intuitive and easy to read
  • Powerful and flexible conditional DATA triggering (=, <, <=, >, >=, <>, in range, out ofrange)
  • Hex, Binary or ASCII decoding
  • Decode information expands as the timebase is adjusted or zoomed
  • Convenient table display with quick "zoom to message" capability
  • Quick search capability for specific messages
  • Set an ACK condition (ACK,NO ACK, Don’t Care) in all frame trigger setups (I2C)
  • Decode does not require clock trace to be displayed (I2C, SPI)
  • Supports UART address (9-bit) Byte triggering
  • Supports trigger and decode of user defined proprietary protocols based on a UART backbone
The Most Intuitive Decode

Advanced software algorithms decon struct the waveform into protocol information, then overlay the decoded data on the waveform. Decode information condenses or expands depending on the timebase/zoom ratio setting, so understanding messages is easy. Various sections of the protocol are color-coded to make it easy to understand, especially for users new to I2C, SPI, UART, and RS-232 serial data. The decode operation is fast—even with long acquisitions. The user can choose to decode into Hex, Binary, or ASCII formats.

LeCroy’s decode algorithms allow the CLOCK signal to be input to the external channel, which saves valuable channels for other signals. Or, if the CLOCK signal is input to a channel, it can be turned OFF as desired to reduce display clutter.

Powerful Conditional Data Triggering

Completely isolate specific I2C, SPI, UART, or RS-232 message events for better understanding and debug. Use a conditional DATA trigger to select a range of DATA values to trigger on, not just a single DATA value. Oftentimes, I2C utilizes DATA bytes to specify sub-addresses for accessing memory locations in EEPROMs. Condi tional DATA trigger allows triggering on a range of DATA bytes that correspond to reads or writes to specific sub-address memory blocks in the EEPROM. It can also aid in monitoring DATA outputs from I2C-based sensors, such as analog-todigital con verters, and triggering when DATA is outside a safe operating range. In both cases, verifying proper operation becomes a simple task. Of course, all the basic I2C and SPI triggering capability you would expect is also included.

Full UART and RS-232 Capability and Customization

Complete support for any configuration of UART and standard RS-232. Generic UART is commonly used as the backbone for proprietary protocols, and the flexible setup configuration allows definition to meet your exact need.

Flexible Triggering

Simultaneously decode up to 4 serial data buses. When using the MSO option on WaveRunner Xi or WaveSurfer Xs the digital inputs D0, D1, D2, etc. can be used as the source for a serial data trigger and decode.

I2C, SPI, and UART all have special use cases and the LeCroy Trigger and Decode solutions address these cases. The I2C trigger can be configured for 7 or 10-bit addressing with out without inclusion of the R/W bit. The SPI trigger can be configured for a range of CPOL and CPHA settings as well as the Simplified SPI protocol. With the UART trigger 8 and 9-bit (8+1) formats are supported.

Convenient Table Display Summarizes Results

Display your values in an easy-to-understand table. Touch a row to zoom, or export to Excel with one button push.

Turn your oscilloscope into a protocol analyzer with the Table display of protocol information. Custom configure the Table to display only the infor mation you want, and export Table data to an Excel file. Touch a message in the table and auto matically zoom for detail. In all cases, the Table never obscures your waveform data.

Search and Zoom

Search through long record of decoded data by entering the message or address you are looking for and clicking the right or left search arrows.

I2C, SPI, UART, and RS-232 messages can be quickly located by search ing on Address (I2C) or DATA (I2C, SPI, UART, RS-232). Pressing an arrow button advances the single zoomed message view one message to the right or left of the current message.

I2Cbus TDSPIbus TDUART-RS232bus TD
Protocol SetupN.A.Select CPOL, CPHA, DATA = MSB or LSB. Also, may select SIOP, SSPI or DDR (Double Data Rate) Defaults.For UART
Select BitRate
Select # Data Bits (5-9)
Select Parity (Odd, Even, None)
Select # Stop Bits (1, 1.5, 2)
Select Bit Order (MSB or LSB)
Select Polarity (IdleLow or IdleHigh)
For RS-232
Select BitRate
Select # Data Bits (5-8)
Select Parity (Odd, Even, None)
Select # Stop Bits (1, 1.5, 2)
Decode Capability
FormatHexadecimal, Binary, ASCIIHexadecimal, Binary, ASCIIHexadecimal, Binary, ASCII
Decode SetupThreshold definition required. Default is to Percent amplitude. Choose to Decode address values including/not including the R/W bit in address value.Threshold definition required.
Default is to Percent amplitude.
Threshold definition required. Default is to Percent amplitude. Select BitRate, # Data Bits, Parity, # Stop Bits, Bit Order, and Polarity (for RS-232, no Bit Order or Polarity setup).
Decode InputAny analog Channel, Memory, or Math trace.Any analog Channel, Memory, or Math trace.Any analog Channel, Memory, or Math trace.
# of Decoded WaveformsUp to 4 buses may be decoded at one time.
Sources can be Channels or Memory Waveforms.
In addition, zooms can be displayed
(with decoded information).
Up to 4 buses may be decoded at one time.
Sources can be Channels or Memory Waveforms.
In addition, zooms can be displayed
(with decoded information).
Up to 4 buses may be decoded at one time.
Sources can be Channels or Memory Waveforms.
In addition, zooms can be displayed
(with decoded information).
LocationOverlaid over DATA waveform, on GridOverlaid over DATA waveform, on GridOverlaid over DATA waveform, on Grid.
Visual AidColor Coding for FRAME, START/ReSTART bit, ADDR, R/W, DATA, ACK, and STOP bitColor Coding for FRAME and DATAColor Coding for Start Bit, Stop Bit, Parity Bit, and DATA. Decode information is intelligently annotated based on timebase setting.
Trigger Capability
FormatHexadecimal or Binary. ADDRESS and DATA can be set up with different formats.Hexadecimal or Binary.Hexadecimal or Binary
Trigger SetupTrigger on START, ReSTART, STOP, ADDR, DATA,
ADDR+DATA, Data Length, Missing ACK
Trigger on DATATrigger on DATA or Parity ERROR
ADDRESS Condition SetupSpecify one ADDRESS with condition of = 7 or 10 bit ADDRESS supported with full Read, Write, or R/W=”Don’t Care” selectability on both 7 and
10 bit ADDRESSes
Choose to Trigger on address values that include/don’t include R/W bit in address value.
DATA Condition Setup<=, <, =, >, >=, <>, in range, out of range, don’t care.<=, <, =, >, >=, <>, in range, out of range, don’t care.<=, <, =, >, >=, <>, in range, out of range, don’t care.
DATA SetupHexadecimal: # Data Bytes = 0 to 12. Data can be defined by nibble.
Binary: Any combination of 0,1, or X for 1-96 bits.
Data pattern can be set to start on any byte in a 2048-byte window (EEPROM mode only).
Hexadecimal: # Data Bytes = 0 to 12. Data can be defined by nibble. Binary: Any combination of 0,1, or X for 1-96 bits.
Triggers on that data pattern in a specified location.
Hexadecimal: # Data Bytes = 0 to 12. Data can be defined by nibble. Binary: Any combination of 0,1, or X for 1-96 bits.
May specify particular data position anywhere in a 2048 byte sequence.
ACK Condition SetupFor any ADDR, ADDR+DATA, ADDR+DATA LENGTH, or EEPROM frame setup, select an ACK Condition of ACK, NO ACK, and DON’T CARE.N.A.N.A.
Bit RatesFull range over I2C specification for Standard, Fast, Fast-Mode Plus, and High-speed modes.
Any from 300 b/s to 10 Mb/s (User settable)
Trigger InputAny analog Channel or the EXT input.
Clock may be input to EXT to conserve available analog Channels.
Any analog Channel or the EXT input.
Clock or Slave Select may be input to EXT to conserve available analog Channels.
Any analog Channel or the EXT input.
Trigger DesignInternal to oscilloscope, settable like any other
oscilloscope trigger
Internal to oscilloscope, settable like any other
oscilloscope trigger
Internal to oscilloscope, settable like any other oscilloscope trigger.
Search Capability
Pattern SearchSearch by ADDRESS or DATA in Hexadecimal formatSearch by DATA in Hexadecimal formatSearch by DATA in Hexadecimal formats, or for Next ERROR.
Compatible With …TD (Trigger & Decode) Option compatible with all WaveMaster® 8 Zi, WavePro® 7 Zi, WaveRunner® Xi/Xi-A and WaveSurfer® Xs/Xs-A (retrofit kits available)

D (Decode) Option fully compatible with WaveRunner® 6000, WavePro® 7000, and WaveMaster® 8000 Series.
TD (Trigger & Decode) Option compatible with all WaveMaster® 8 Zi, WavePro® 7 Zi, WaveRunner® Xi/Xi-A and WaveSurfer® Xs/Xs-A (retrofit kits available)

D (Decode) Option fully compatible with WaveRunner® 6000, WavePro® 7000, and WaveMaster® 8000 Series.
TD (Trigger & Decode) Option compatible with all WaveMaster® 8 Zi, WavePro® 7 Zi, WaveRunner® Xi/Xi-A and WaveSurfer® Xs/Xs-A (retrofit kits available)

Also compatible with WaveRunner Xi and WaveSurfer Xs having serial numbers of LCRY0608 and LCRY0304 respectively. Oscilloscopes with lower serial numbers can be upgraded.

D (Decode) Option fully compatible with WaveRunner® 6000, WavePro® 7000, and WaveMaster® 8000 Series.