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The Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster/SDA 8000HD is the best oscilloscope for USB4 and Thunderbolt testing over the USB Type-C® connector. The fastest automated validation and compliance testing, multi-lane compliance and analysis, deepest serial data analysis toolbox, and unmatched high-speed and sideband cross layer debug options.

Explore QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX  arrow down
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Key Features
  • The best oscilloscope for USB Type-C testing
  • Unified Tx/Rx compliance for USB4 Version 2.0 and Thunderbolt 5 (Gen2/Gen3/Gen4)
  • Multi-lane analysis, compliance, and debug
  • Automates Intel® USB4 SigTest compliance measurements without the need for expensive externally connected server hardware
  • Off-line compliance testing and signal integrity debug using QPHY2-PC and MAUI® Studio Pro software
  • Receiver (Rx) calibration and BER/TER testing using the Anritsu MP1900A BERT
  • Flexible report generation and results database
  • SDA Expert software provides automatic ‘test point’ setup and CTS measurements
  • Insertion/Return loss measurements using WavePulser 40iX Interconnect Analyzer
  • Powerful cross layer (protocol/electrical) tools


Unified Compliance Framework
QPHY2 test setup screenshot

QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX compliance software (used on Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes, and with the Anritsu MP1900A BERT) provides the fastest, easiest way to perform USB4 and Thunderbolt Tx/Rx PHY compliance tests. Tx/Rx testing is unified in a single framework eliminating the need to learn multiple interfaces.

Transmitter Testing
QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX connection diagram

QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX provides easy setup instructions with quick-access connection diagrams. For USB-IF compliance, Intel’s SigTest is the required method of analysis, which can be run on the oscilloscope’s OS without requiring external server hardware, or the test session file can be moved to another PC for offline processing using QPHY2-PC for increased lab efficiency.

Flexible Database and Reporting
QPHY2 results database

Use the QualiPHY 2 results database to view results from multiple devices or multiple test runs on a single device. The results database can be filtered to compare results and can be exported to a .csv file for further analysis. Test results can be removed from the tree and re-tested. Once testing is complete, pass/fail compliance reports can be generated with multiple options such as ‘worst’, ‘best’, or ‘last’ results.

Receiver Testing
QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX testing setup

QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX automates Rx Stressed Signal Generation (SSG) calibration and Bit Error Rate/Trit Error Rate (BER/TER) testing using the Anritsu MP1900A SQA BERT and Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope.

Insertion/Return Loss and Channel Measurements
WavePulser 40iX network analyzer

Tx/Rx return loss, bert and channel insertion loss measurements are made with the WavePulser 40iX network analyzer.

The Deepest SDA Expert Toolbox
SDAX software screenshot

Easily switch between compliance and Signal Integrity testing by using either ‘Intel SigTest’ or ‘Teledyne LeCroy SDAX’ analysis. Further understand system losses and equalization effects using SDAX‑USB4_TBT serial data expert software.

Unmatched Cross Layer Debug

The TF-USB-C-HS Test Coupon Fixture used with USB4bus DME, USB4-SB TDMP, CrossSync-PHY-USB, and ProtoSync software provides USB4 and Thunderbolt system integrators with the most powerful tools for debugging system interoperability failures.


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