Austin Labs offers consultancy and interoperability services to help in all stages of product development, from specification to market launch and beyond. Our global dedicated test labs for Bluetooth, WI-FI, USB and Phone Projection technologies (Apple CarPlay and Android Auto) help you minimize field issues, lower development costs, and speed your time to market with products that you can feel confident will deliver a superior user experience.

Bluetooth Qualification

Our accredited Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility (BQTF) can provide the testing required for your product’s qualification, and our recognized Bluetooth Qualification Consultant can help ensure your qualification runs smoothly.

Interoperability Testing

With dedicated test labs for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB and Phone technologies (CarPlay, Android Auto) across the globe, we help you meet all your interoperability (IOP) needs.

Consultancy Services

As a leader in test and measurement with expertise in physical layer and protocol analysis, we help you through performance and root cause analysis, competitor benchmarking, and identifying areas of improvement .

World-Class Device Library

  • • Phone: 2500+
  • • Car Kits covering 100's of models
  • • Handsets/Ear buds: 100+
  • • Wi-Fi Access Points: 40+
  • • Fitness/Medical Devices: 50+
  • • HIDs: 50+
  • • 100's of laptops, watches, cameras...

Global Testing Centers of Excellence

  • • North America
  • • Europe
  • • Middle East
  • • Australia
  • • Japan
  • • Asia
  • • South America
  • • Headquarters: Detroit, MI

Secure Facilities and Systems

  • • Access-restricted interactive project database
  • • High-Security Labs and Libraries

Interoperability and Consultancy Services

Teledyne LeCroy offers test and consultancy services to help in all stages of product development from Specification to Market Launch and beyond. Live results are available via a web interface. Teledyne LeCroy develops protocol analyzers and other test tools that are used by many manufacturers; this gives us a unique insight and experience into connectivity technologies such as Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi.

Interoperability Stages

Consultancy Stages

Interoperability and Consultancy Stages


Knowledge and capabilities

Technology training for managers
In-depth training for engineers
Use of test tools to an advanced level


Interoperability Database

Live results via secure website

Supporting information: observations, logs and capture files
In-built bug tracking or links to your system
Database of devices and their features

Conformance with the specification

Bluetooth Protocols – PTS
RF testing Bluetooth Classic and LE – TLF3000
HCI BLE testing – Harmony


App Testing

Confidence across platforms

Performance, functionality, UI and UX
Intermittent or transitory issues and unexpected behaviors
Security vulnerabilities and resilience to cyber-attacks


Test Strategy

Cost and time effectiveness

Holistic approach to testing of device features
Confidence for a given market
Improved customer satisfaction


Supplier Specifications

Feature and behavior targets

Help creating design specifications
RFPs to inprove suppliers’ products
Reduced unexpected behaviors that cause delays



Perfomance and usability

Product analysis of features, UI and UX
Co-existence assessment (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy)
Reference Design Testing



Confidence before launch

Root-cause analysis (RCA) determines faults
Complex ecosystems (multi-device scenarios)
Extensive library of vehicles, car kits, and accessories


Product Launch

Market readiness

In-depth assessment to ensure interoperability
Balanced approach to confidence versus time
Validation and correction of field issues



Issues and feature additions

Ensured interoperability against new or updated devices
Increased market coverage
Updates and new features do not compromise your product


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