Key Features
Trigger on USB4® Thunderbolt™ Sideband Link Management Events
Decode Link (LT), Admin (AT), and Re‑timer (RT) Transactions on SB-TX and SB-RX
USB4 and Thunderbolt Sideband PHY Compliance Measurements
Intuitive, color-coded overlays and annotation
Interactive protocol table with zoom and pattern search
Automated timing measurements
Serial digital data extraction to an analog value (serial DAC) with waveform graphs
Eye diagrams with failure location
Comprehensive and Powerful USB4-PD Triggering ("T")
Setup the USB4-SB trigger to capture specific events during link training and the decode table to validate sideband link management transactions between devices are conformant to the USB4 specification.
Intuitive, color-coded Decode Overlays ("D")
Simply click on the packet of interest in the protocol table to create a zoom window of the waveform with color coded overlay showing the packet type, command type, and message details.
Measure/Graph Tools for Validation Efficiency ("M")
Quickly validate cause and effect with automated timing measurements to or from an analog signal or another serial message. Make multiple measurements in a single long acquisition to quickly acquire statistics during corner-case testing. Serial (digital) data can be extracted to an analog value and graphed to monitor system performance over time, as if it was probed directly. Complete validation faster and gain better insight.
USB4 and Thunderbolt Sideband PHY measurements ("P")
Use the measurement setup to make USB4 and Thunderbolt sideband physical layer measurements as called out in the compliance test specification (CTS).
USB4 Type-C High Speed and Sideband Test Coupon
The TF-USB-C-HS probing coupon enables the industries only oscilloscope that triggers on USB4-SB signals and simultaneously captures high-speed data up to 20 Gb/s on an active link. TF-USB-C-SB probing coupon enables USB Type-C sideband only measurements with all oscilloscope models.
Use standalone or with USB4bus DME Software for PHY Logic Layer Debug
Use TF-USC-C-HS (USB4 High-speed and sideband test Coupon Fixture), DH Series differential probes, USB4bus DME, and USB4-TDMP software to debug PHY link layer training failures on USB4 and Thunderbolt routers, re-timers, and active cables.