Software Options


The USB4bus DME (Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye) option for Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes provides link layer decode information annotated on the USB4® physical layer waveform. This provides the ability to view protocol traffic on the oscilloscope and verify that the link is alive and transmitting properly. It also aids in debugging problems that are not solely analog or digital in nature, such as interoperability issues, uncertain error causes, and physical layer issues not evident with a Protocol Analyzer.

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Key Features
  • Capture and Decode USB4 and Thunderbolt™ Link Training Protocols
  • USB4 and Thunderbolt SLOS Eye Diagram Measurements
  • Use standalone or with USB4 USB4-SB TDMP for USB4 PHY-Logic Layer Debug
  • Intuitive, color-coded overlays and annotation
  • Interactive protocol table with zoom and pattern search
  • Combine with Voyager M4x Protocol Exerciser/Analyzer and USB CrossSync PHY for 'full stack' visibility


Interactive Protocol Table with Zoom and Pattern Search
screenshot of usb4dme protocol table

Simply click on the packet of interest in the protocol table to create a zoom window of the waveform with color coded overlay showing the packet type, command type, and message details.

USB4 Type-C High Speed and Sideband Test Coupon
usb4 type-c test coupon

The TF-USB-C-HS probing coupon enables the industries only oscilloscope that triggers on USB4-SB signals and simultaneously captures high-speed data up to 20 Gb/s on an active link.

Use USB4bus standalone or with USB4‑SB TDMP Software for PHY Logic Layer Debug
screenshot of usb4dme phy logic layer debug

Use TF-USC-C-HS (USB4 High-speed and sideband test Coupon Fixture), DH Series differential probes, USB4bus DME, and USB4-TDMP software to debug PHY link layer training failures on USB4 and Thunderbolt routers, re-timers, and active cables.

Eye Measurements
screenshot of usb4dme eye measurements

USB4 DME (Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram) software provides eye diagram measurements by recovering the clock on decoded symbols. Used to evaluate high-speed signal quality during link training as the transmitter sends SLOS (Symbol Lock Ordered Sets) to the receiver during link training.

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