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Comprehensive jitter and noise breakdown capability enables analysis of random, deterministic, and periodic impairments of each eye opening created by multi-level signals.

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Key Features
  • Eye Height and Eye Width Measurements
  • ISI Plot
  • Transmitter Equalization Tools
  • Most Complete SNDR Analysis


Eye Measurements
SDAIII-PAM4x screenshot

Eye height and eye width measurements are available for all displayed eyes, referenced either to the accumulated eye or extrapolated to a selected BER. Mean and sigma measurements for each signal level are also available.

ISI Plot
SDAIII-PAM4x screenshot

View and track all transitions to identify which transitions are the most vulnerable to ISI.

Transmitter Equalization Tools
SDAIII-PAM4x screenshot

A critical step to characterizing and debugging the transmitter behavior is ensuring the equalizer's preshoot and deemphasis measured values correlates with the simulated values.

Most Complete SNDR and RLM Analysis
SDAIII-PAM4x screenshot

Precise scope noise compensation ensures noise distortion is accurately accounted when calculating SNDR and RLM.