03/12/2025 Industry First Protocol Test Solution for Next-Generation USB4® version 2.0 specification
02/25/2025 Teledyne LeCroy’s Austin Labs Designated as Bluetooth® Qualification Test Facility
01/21/2025 Teledyne Unveils Innovative Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser for Latest PCI Express®, NVMe and CXL® Test
01/14/2025 Teledyne LeCroy Add Full Support for Embedded DisplayPort Testing of Video Source and Sink Devices
01/07/2025 Teledyne LeCroy Unveils Industry-First HDMI® 2.2 Video Analyzer and Generator
10/25/2024 テレダイン・レクロイ、 低価格、低ノイズ、12ビット・オシロスコープ 「T3(テレダイン・テスト・ツール)」の新シリーズを発表
10/21/2024 Teledyne LeCroy Announces Validation Suite for Open Compute Project v2.5 SSD Testing
10/10/2024 テレダイン・レクロイ、次世代の QualiPHY®自動コンプライアンステストフレームワークを発表
10/08/2024 Industry’s First Fully Integrated AN/LT Automated Test Solution for High-Speed Ethernet
09/30/2024 Teledyne LeCroy Unveils Next-Generation CXL™ 2.0 Device Validation Solution
09/25/2024 Teledyne LeCroy Introduces Second-generation QualiPHY Automated Compliance Test Framework
08/06/2024 Teledyne LeCroy and Cadence Demonstrate CXL® 3.x Technology at the Future of Memory and Storage (FMS) Conference
04/11/2024 New Wireless Sniffer Captures Wi-Fi 7, Bluetooth, and 802.15.4 Traffic Simultaneously
02/05/2024 テレダイン・レクロイ、 CrossSyncTM PHYの機能を拡張し、PCI Express® 6.0に対応
02/01/2024 Teledyne LeCroy and Alphawave Semi Unveil PCIe®️ 7.0 Signal Generation and Measurement
01/30/2024 Teledyne LeCroy Extends CrossSync™️ PHY Technology to PCI Express® 6.0
01/24/2024 Introducing qdPrime™: Revolutionizing DisplayPort Testing with Enhanced Capabilities
01/24/2024 テレダイン・レクロイ 拡張機能でDisplayPortテストのテストリソース・時間・労力を大幅に削減するqdPrime™ソフトウェアを提供開始
11/14/2023 Teledyne LeCroy Announces Industry-First Compute Express Link™ (CXL) Device Validation Solution
10/12/2023 신제품 MIPI® C-PHY 및 D-PHY 아날라이저 및 제너레이터 출시로 고성능 디스플레이 및 이미징 센서 테스트 가속화
10/04/2023 New MIPI® C-PHY and D-PHY Analyzer and Generator Accelerates High-Performance Display and Imaging Sensor Testing
10/03/2023 Teledyne to Acquire Xena Networks
09/06/2023 텔레다인르크로이, 65GHz 12비트 오실로스코프 플랫폼 발표
09/06/2023 テレダイン・レクロイ、 65GHz 12ビット・オシロスコープ・プラットフォーム 「WaveMaster® 8000HD」を発表
09/05/2023 Teledyne LeCroy Announces 65 GHz 12-bit Oscilloscope Platform
08/01/2023 Teledyne LeCroy enables Validation Testing of Solid-State Storage Power and Sideband Capabilities
07/19/2023 VESA® Approves the use of New DisplayPort 2.1 Compliance Tests
07/18/2023 Industry First Flexible Data Placement Mode Test Solution for Solid-State Storage Devices
07/11/2023 FRVS™ Approved for All Required Bluetooth® BR/EDR, LE, and AoA/AoD Conformance Validation Tests
06/27/2023 Enterprise Level PCI Express 5.0 based Solid State Drive Validation Test Solutions are Now Available
06/27/2023 エンタープライズレベルのPCI Express 5.0ベースのソリッド ステート ドライブ検証テストソリューションが登場
06/21/2023 テレダイン・レクロイ、 USB Type-C®、HDMI®2.1、その他高速ケーブル対応の 高機能ケーブルテスター「RapidWave4000」を発表
06/13/2023 Teledyne LeCroy Develops the RapidWave4000 Advanced Cable Tester for High-speed USB Type-C®, HDMI® 2.1 and Other Cables
06/08/2023 Industry First PCI Express® 6.0 Protocol Analyzer Enables Development of Next Generation High Performance PCIe Devices
06/08/2023 業界初のPCI Express® 6.0プロトコルアナライザが次世代高性能PCIeデバイスの開発を実現
05/16/2023 First PCI Express® 6.0 Interposer for OCP NIC 3.0 Devices
04/27/2023 First CXL 1.1 Compliance Test Solution Approved by Compute Express Link Consortium
04/04/2023 New HDMI® 2.1a Source or Sink Protocol Test Solutions
04/04/2023 First PCI Express® 6.0 and CXL EDSFF Interposers
03/14/2023 High-performance Frontline X240 Wireless Analyzer Now Supports Full Bluetooth Dual-Mode Capture
02/14/2023 Industry First PCI Express® 6.0 and CXL Interposer Improves Data Captures for Speeds up to 64 GT/s
02/07/2023 Teledyne LeCroy Announces Availability of Open Compute Project® (OCP) v2.0 SSD Validation Testing
02/02/2023 テレダイン・レクロイのリアルタイムオシロスコープLabMasterが、 情報通信研究機構により世界で初めて実現された、 標準外径の55モード光ファイバで毎秒1.53ペタビットの 大容量伝送実験に採用
01/24/2023 Teledyne LeCroy Extends CrossSync™ PHY Technology to USB4® and USB Type-C® Connectors
01/20/2023 テレダイン・レクロイのオシロスコープLabMaster 10 Zi-Aが Granite River Labs社のUSB4、DisplayPort 2.1、Thunderboltの テスト機器として採用決定
01/16/2023 Teledyne LeCroy Supports PCI Express® 6.0 Electrical Testing
01/10/2023 Industry’s First 800 Gigabit Ethernet, 8 Lane PAM4 Protocol Test Solution
01/10/2023 Granite River Labs Selects Teledyne LeCroy LabMaster 10 Zi-A Oscilloscope for USB4®, DisplayPort™ 2.1 and Thunderbolt™ Testing
01/01/2023 Teledyne LeCroy Develops the RapidWave4000 Advanced Cable Tester for High-speed USB Type-C®, HDMI® 2.1 and Other Cables
11/15/2022 Portable and Versatile HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 2.0 Analyzer/Generator Accelerates Interoperability Testing
11/15/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Releases SimPASS™ USB Allowing USB4 Gen4 Pre-Silicon Verification
11/15/2022 Solid State Drive Testing Made Easy with New PCI Express™ 5.0 Test System
11/01/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Now Offers Widest Range of 10 Mb/s IVN Solutions
10/27/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Adds Support for USB4® Version 2.0 Physical Layer Testing
10/18/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Releases Industry’s First DisplayPort 2.1 Video Analyzer and Generator
09/22/2022 Industry-First SSD Compliance Suite Software Enables Open Compute Project (OCP) Validation Testing
09/06/2022 Protocol Test system approved by USB-IF for USB Power Delivery, USB Type-C® and USB 3.2 Link Layer Compliance Testing
08/02/2022 First PCI Express® 5.0 Mini Cool Edge IO™ (MCIO) Interposer
07/28/2022 SmartTest™ Automation Improves Internet of Things (IoT) Device Testing
07/12/2022 OakGate PCIe® Gen5 Solid-State Storage Test Solutions Deliver Increased Scalability and Performance
06/14/2022 First PCIe® Integrity and Data Encryption (IDE) Protocol Testing Solutions Now Available
05/10/2022 First PCI Express® 5.0 OCP NIC 3.0 Interposer
05/04/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Simplifies USB System Integration Debug with Industry-first USB Type-C® Test Coupon Fixtures
04/14/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Speeds PCIe® Compliance testing, Provides additional Electrical and Protocol Test Equipment
04/12/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Develops the Most Accurate Measurement System for GaN and SiC Semiconductor Analysis
03/15/2022 PCI-SIG® Approves Teledyne LeCroy PCI Express® 5.0 Compliance Solution
03/09/2022 Industry First 100Gb/s PAM4 Ethernet Test Platform
02/15/2022 Bluetooth® SIG Approves Teledyne LeCroy’s FRVS™ RF Test System
02/08/2022 Teledyne LeCroy Voyager M4x Supports USB4® Compliance Testing Program
01/11/2022 MIPI M-PHY® High-Speed GEAR 5 UFS 4.0 Protocol Analyzer/Exerciser with Solder-in Probe is now Available