Serial Data

SpaceWire Decode

The SpaceWire decode adds a unique set of tools to your Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope that simplifies the design, debug, and maintenance of SpaceWire systems. The high speed SpaceWire data stream is annotated directly on the physical layer waveforms. Various sections of the protocol are color-coded to make it easy to understand the protocol traffic. The decoder provides an interactive table, search, and zoom to make debugging fast and effective.

Explore SpaceWire Decode Explore SpaceWire Decode
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  • overview tab
SpaceWirebus D   The SpaceWire decode adds a unique set of tools to your Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope that simplifies the design, debug, and maintenance of SpaceWire systems. The high speed SpaceWire data stream is annotated directly on the physical layer waveforms. Various sections of the protocol are color-coded to make it easy to understand the protocol traffic. The decoder provides an interactive table, search, and zoom to make debugging fast and effective.
Key Features
  • SpaceWire protocol decode based on ECSS-E-ST-50-12C standard
  • Simplifies design and debug
  • Decodes over the entire bitrate range, 2 Mb/s to 400 Mb/s
  • Provides Bits, N/L-Characters, or Packets decode views
  • Intuitive color-coded overlay allows for easy viewing of decode
  • Explicitly decodes time-codes within normal data traffic
  • Decodes using data only or data and strobe lines
  • Convenient table display with “zoom to message” capability
  • Quick search capability for specific values of Time, Flags, Data, and Status
  • Simultaneously decodes up to four SpaceWire buses


The Most Intuitive Decode

The SpaceWire decode uses color-coded overlays on various section of the protocol for an easy-to-understand visual display. Decode annotation shows Bits, Character or Packet level decode formats. Depending on the timebase or the amount of zoom, the decode information is condensed or expanded to better assist in understanding events during short or long acquisitions

Data Only or Data + Strobe Decoding

Decoding is possible with just the data signal when the bitrate is stable. This saves channels for other concurrent measurements. For data with a variable bitrate, the decoder can be configured with a strobe line input to facilitate the decode.

Convenient Table Display

Deep oscilloscope acquisition memory provides long capture times of SpaceWire stream transmissions. Decoded information is conveniently shown in a table format, displayed with either Bit or Character type detail. Touch a decode row of interest in the table to automatically create a zoom to view a specific section of the decoded waveform. In addition, the table data may easily be exported as a .csv file. Search and Zoom The powerful search engine allows for specific flag, control, and data content to be easily scanned and searched. Quickly search through a long record of decoded data by entering any of the available search criteria. The search tools dynamically adjust the zoom to display only the desired portion of the decoded waveform.