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Connect an external monitor to a Windows 10 oscilloscope


How do I connect an external monitor to a Windows 10 oscilloscope?


The Windows 10 default is to treat any external monitor connected to a Windows 10 PC as the primary touch screen. On Windows 10 oscilloscopes with an external monitor attached, you will have to manually change the display settings so that the oscilloscope is recognized as a touch screen.

If the external monitor is touch screen enabled and you wish to use it along with the oscilloscope to control the oscilloscope application, you will need to repeat this procedure to also identify it as a touch screen.

  1. Follow manufacturer's instructions to connect your monitor to the oscilloscope.
  2. Choose File >Minimize to display the Windows Desktop.
  3. Choose Start and enter the Search term "Tablet PCSetup". You should see the Tablet PCSettings dialog.
    win 10 oscilloscopes tablet settings
  4. If the external monitor is not touch screen enabled, or has only limited capabilities, the Display selection will be 1|2MultipleMonitors. This is OK. If the external monitor is touch screen enabled, be sure Display 1 (the oscilloscope) is selected.
  5. Touch the Setup button.
  6. When prompted for permissions, enter the password SCOPEADMINand touch Yes.
  7. oscilloscope display will turn white,with the text "Touch this screen to identify it as the touch screen. If this is not the Tablet PCscreen, press Enter tomove to the next screen."
  8. Touch the oscilloscope display.
  9. will see the instruction: "Press Enter to proceed to the next step to complete your configuration."
  10. Press Enter.
  11. If you wish to also configure the external display as a touch screen, repeat this procedure selecting the external monitor name from the Display field on the Tablet PCSetup dialog.



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