Extensive Range of Test Solutions

We offer the most extensive range of test solutions to help with design, development, and deployment of devices and systems. Whether you need to test the physical and electrical properties of your device or you need to see individual packets being transmitted between devices, we've got you covered. Our test equipment, training, and testing services help you make better, safer, and more reliable products.

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WaveMaster 8000HD Oscilloscopes

Up to 65 GHz with 12 bits all the time, 320 GS/s and up to 8 Gpts memory. No other oscilloscope supports more engineering tasks with more unique tools.

WaveMaster 8000HD

Events and Training

Our engineers helped develop some of the industry’s key technologies and continue to have a vigorous passion for improving products and sharing their knowledge. This experience and enthusiasm translates into the highest quality testing and training services possible.