WaveMaster 8000HD is the only high speed oscilloscope designed for all stages of product development, whether first-silicon characterization, link validation over channels, or debugging across the entire the protocol stack. No other high speed oscilloscope supports more engineering tasks with more unique tools.
A High Speed Oscilloscope for All Stages of Product Development
WaveMaster 8000HD is a high-bandwidth scope to support the entire development cycle, enabling faster time-to-market. WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscope models offer a full set of high speed oscilloscope characterization, compliance, validation and debug tools. Competing high bandwidth oscilloscopes only support characterization and compliance tasks.
Understanding device performance requires a unique combination of signal fidelity and analysis capability. A WaveMaster 8000HD high speed oscilloscope will perform the most complex characterization with ease.
1. Two 65 GHz bandwidth inputs
2. Four 33 GHz bandwidth inputs
3. 12-bit resolution
4. SDA Expert Serial Data Analysis eye diagram, jitter and noise analysis
A WaveMaster 8000HD high-bandwidth scope offers powerful, flexible test automation tools and capabilities to improve workflow and minimize setup errors.
1. QualiPHY test automation for the latest serial technologies, including PCI Express®, USB, DDR and more
2. Best-in-class PC platform for fast oscilloscope data processing
3. Automated receiver test calibration and execution
Today’s advanced technology standards impose strict requirements for characterization and compliance testing. A WaveMaster 8000HD high speed oscilloscope simplifies these complex workflows with the following:
1. QualiPHY test automation for PCI Express, USB, DDR, and more
2. SDA Expert eye diagram, jitter and noise analysis with technology-specific measurement tools
3. Unique debug tools for troubleshooting test setups
4. Best-in-class PC platform for fast data processing
Going beyond compliance means ensuring the device works as intended in all conditions. WaveMaster 8000HD's unique combination of high signal fidelity and flexible debug tools means being able to see more of the system in operation.
1. High resolution, high bandwidth oscilloscope analog inputs
2. Differential probes up to 30 GHz bandwidth
3. Up to 8 Gpts acquisition memory option
4. Mixed-signal input capability for sideband and command bus capture
One of the most challenging problems in the development cycle occurs when two otherwise-compliant devices fail to interoperate correctly. The WaveMaster 8000HD high-bandwidth scope was designed for this particular debug scenario.
1. CrossSync™ PHY software integration with Teledyne LeCroy protocol analyzers shows the entire protocol stack at once
2. CrossSync PHY interposers for capturing data from a live link
3. Flexible inputs for capturing all critical device signals: high-speed lines, power rails, digital sidebands and more
Debugging high-speed interfaces used to mean having two oscilloscopes on hand: one for high-speed characterization, and one for embedded debug. A WaveMaster 8000HD high speed oscilloscope does it all, without compromise
1. Flexible fast oscilloscope inputs for capturing all critical device signals: high-speed lines, power rails, digital sidebands and more
2. Mixed-signal input capability for sideband and command bus capture
3. Up to 8 Gpts acquisition memory option for 100ms capture time at full sample rate
Superior Serial Data Validation, Debug, and Jitter Analysis in a High Speed Oscilloscope
Up to 65 GHz bandwidth at 320 GS/s 12-bit resolution at full bandwidth and sample rate Fast processing of long waveforms
Exceptional signal characterization performance
Up to 65 GHz bandwidth at 320 GS/s
12-bit resolution at full bandwidth and sample rate
High Bandwidth, High Resolution, Fast Oscilloscope Processing
WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscopes are the most powerful high bandwidth oscilloscope signal acquisition and processing platform available.
Up to 65 GHz bandwidth at 320 GS/s
12 bits at full bandwidth and sample rate
Up to 8 Gpts acquisition memory to capture every detail
Class-leading PC system with 64 GB RAM for fast oscilloscope processing of complex signals
WaveMaster 8000HD Series Oscilloscope Overview
WaveMaster 8000HD is the only high speed oscilloscope with both high-bandwidth 50 Ohm and high impedance 1 MOhm inputs, a full-range of mixed-signal input options, up to 8 Gpts acquisition memory and a class-leading PC for fast oscilloscope processing.
1.85mm inputs up to 65 GHz bandwidth
ProAxial inputs up to 33 GHz bandwidth
ProBus inputs up to 2 GHz bandwidth (50 Ohm) and 500 MHz bandwidth (1 MOhm)
Mixed-signal input 2.5 GS/s
Up to 100 ms acquisition at full bandwidth enables detailed viewing of long events
15.6” 1900 x 1080 Full HD capacitive touchscreen
MAUI with OneTouch user interface for intuitive and efficient operation
Waveform Control Knobs
Color-coded panel indicators
Cursor/Adjust Knobs
Class-leading oscilloscope PC system with 64 GB RAM for fast oscilloscope processing of waveform data
High-speed USB connections
4k external display connectivity on both HDMI and DisplayPort connectors
LBUS connector - compatible with HDA125 for high-speed oscilloscope acquisition of DDR command bus and other digital signals
Reference Clock Input/Output connectors for connecting to other equipment
USBTMC (Test and Measurement Class) over USB 3.1 for fast data offload
Comprehensive Serial Data Expertise
SDA 8000HD Serial Data Analyzer models include extra acquisition memory, an 8 Gb/s serial trigger (upgradeable to 16 Gb/s), and the core version of SDA Expert eye diagram and jitter analysis tools.
Tailored signal analysis for PCI Express, USB Type-C®, DDR, and other technologies
Powerful PAM and NRZ eye, jitter and link analysis tools
Unrivaled High Speed Oscilloscope Validation and Debug Capabilities
WaveMaster 8000HD high-bandwidth scope models provide visibility into system-wide behaviors that no other high-bandwidth scope can match. Easily find root-cause compliance failures, identify causes of interoperability issues, and track down intermittent bugs.
CrossSync PHY Protocol Analyzer and Oscilloscope Synchronization
Teledyne LeCroy CrossSync PHY software and interposers seamlessly merge the functions of your Teledyne LeCroy protocol analyzer and oscilloscope – giving insight into link behavior that no other instrument can provide.
Validate and debug active link operation
Quickly resolve interoperability issues by capturing the entire protocol stack
Analyze link training with integrated physical and protocol views
The Industry’s Longest Oscilloscope Acquisition Memory
With up to 8 Gpts of acquisition memory, WaveMaster 8000HD captures events occurring over long periods of time, while still maintaining high sample rate for visibility into the smallest details.
Acquire up to 100 ms of data at full bandwidth - and always with 12 bits of resolution.
Long memory and high sample rates capture both millisecond-scale trends and picosecond-scale glitches.
Oscilloscopes with less memory require trading off sample rate for acquisition time.
Debugging high-speed interfaces used to mean having two oscilloscopes on your bench – one high bandwidth oscilloscope and one general-purpose oscilloscope. WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscopes do it all, without compromise.
Acquire both low-speed signals with passive 1 MO probes and high-bandwidth signals on 50 O inputs (no adapters required)
Hardware serial triggers for catching intermittent issues
2.5 GS/s mixed-signal option for sideband signals
External 12.5 GS/s mixed-signal option for DDR and other high-speed applications
Teledyne LeCroy is the only company that provides PCIe® testing across the layers – protocol to physical – while also providing superior instruments with sophisticated jitter, eye diagram, debug and compliance software.
Simplifies PCIe link testing with cross-layer analysis
Provides the most confidence for PCIe compliance and interoperability testing
Includes built-in PCIe expertise for measuring and characterizing signals
USB and USB Type-C Electrical Test Leadership – From PHY to Protocol
Complete PHY and PHY-logic layer oscilloscope solutions for USB4®, Thunderbolt™, USB 3.0/2.0, DisplayPort™ 2.1, and USB Power Delivery, all over the USB Type-C Connector.
The best oscilloscope for USB Type-C testing
Built-in USB-C test expertise for measuring and characterizing signals
Simplify USB-C link testing with cross layer analysis
Fastest Journey from DDR Turn-On Through DDR Compliance Testing
Accelerate the journey to final product with the right tools to quickly test every stage of Double Data Rate (DDR) and Low Power DDR (LPDDR) designs, from initial turn on through JEDEC compliance testing.
Maximize DDR operation from initial turn-on through validation
Accelerate DDR pre-compliance testing and fine tuning
Comprehensive DDR compliance testing
Zone Trigger software option provides a simple graphical drawing tool to enable easy triggering on complex signals.
In Part 1 of our 2-part Fundamentals of High-speed Signal and Serial Data Testing webinar series we instruct on proper cable, fixture and probe connection to the oscilloscope, describe the accuracies you can expect, and how to avoid errors.
In Part 2 of our Fundamentals of High-speed Signal and Serial Data Testing webinar series we describe how to optimize your oscilloscope setup, make measurements accurately, explain the serial data signal spectrum, and provide background and tips/techniques to optimize for serial data eye diagram and jitter measurements.
What is the history of the Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster brand of oscilloscopes?
The first-generation Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster brand high-bandwidth scope was released in January of 2002. The WaveMaster 8500 had a 5 GHz bandwidth rating (just 1 GHz less than the Tektronix TDS6604 6 GHz oscilloscope, launched days earlier than the WaveMaster 8500). The WaveMaster 8500 was perfectly positioned between the very short memory (but higher bandwidth) Tektronix TDS6604 high-bandwidth scope architecture and the longer memory (but lower bandwidth – limited to 4 GHz) Tektronix DPO7404 architecture. The WaveMaster 8500 had much longer record length than either of those two Tektronix products and better signal fidelity, as it employed digital signal processing to optimize and match frequency response across all channels and gain settings – an industry first – whereas the Tektronix high speed oscilloscopes still relied on hardware only to attempt to match frequency and pulse response across channels and gain ranges. The WaveMaster 8500 was the first real challenge to Tek’s bandwidth hegemony, although Tek would maintain bandwidth leadership through 2008 with the Tektronix DPO70000 series high-bandwidth scopes that reached a 20 GHz oscilloscope bandwidth rating.
The second-generation Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster brand was launched in January of 2009 as the WaveMaster 8 Zi series of high-bandwidth scopes. This generation of fast oscilloscopes broke bandwidth records with a 30 GHz oscilloscope bandwidth rating – 10 GHz more bandwidth than the Tektronix DPO72004. The 30 GHz bandwidth was ideal for optical signal research being performed at the time and was also increasingly necessary to perform serial data jitter analysis on emerging high speed serial data standards, along with other commercial and defense applications (laser research, electronic warfare, etc.). The paper A 30 GHz Bandwidth, 80 GS/s Sample Rate Real-time Waveform Digitizing System provides details about the oscilloscope design and development and the Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs ECOC-presented paper 56-Gbaud PDM-QPSK: Coherent Detection and 2,500-km Transmission provides details about the application. Digital bandwidth interleaving (see below) was utilized to nearly double the native chip bandwidth from 16 GHz to 30 GHz and to later triple it (on one channel) to 45 GHz. Different Si-Ge chipsets were later used in the related LabMaster modular oscilloscope product line to reach 65 GHz bandwidth and then an astounding 100 GHz bandwidth in 2014 – the world’s first 100 GHz real-time oscilloscope. The paper Technologies for Very High Bandwidth Real-time Oscilloscopes described this achievement and was presented at IEEE BIPOLAR / BICMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting 2014.
The third-generation Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster brand is the WaveMaster 8000HD. It uses completely new chipsets that provide 12-bit resolution for very low noise measurements and a completely new back-end acquisition memory and data handling architecture to provide very long record lengths (up to 8 Gigapoints). This series reaches to 65 GHz of bandwidth and is an ideal high speed oscilloscope for next-generation high speed serial data standards that use multi-level PAM signaling, amongst other applications.
How is a Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster high speed oscilloscope different from other competitive high speed oscilloscopes?
Since 2009, WaveMaster oscilloscopes have been equipped with both 50 Ohm and 1 MOhm inputs, which makes the WaveMaster oscilloscope much more suitable as both a high speed oscilloscope and a general-purpose (lower signal speed) oscilloscope. The 1 MOhm inputs allow the WaveMaster oscilloscopes to support nearly every probe – from passive voltage probes to current probes to high bandwidth active probes. Mixed-signal (digital logic) options and low speed serial trigger options round out the general-purpose capabilities.
The most recent WaveMaster 8000HD series also are very differentiated with vertical resolution (12 bits versus 10 bits in the Keysight UXR Series high bandwidth oscilloscopes or versus 8 bits in the Tektronix DPO70000DX or DPO70000SX Series high speed oscilloscopes) and very long acquisition memories (up to 8 Gpts, or 8 billion sample points).
What is the difference between a high bandwidth oscilloscope and a high speed oscilloscope?
These are just two different ways to describe the same thing.
What is the bandwidth demarcation for an oscilloscope to be classified as a high-bandwidth scope or high speed oscilloscope?
There is no technical definition, and the demarcation is all relative to the oscilloscope user’s reference point for “normal” bandwidth. In general, 13 GHz bandwidth and higher is probably what is generally considered to be “high bandwidth”.
What are high speed oscilloscopes used for?
The largest application for high-bandwidth scopes is for measuring serial data signals and DDR signals. Other applications include laser measurements, various Mil-Aero applications (avionics, signal intelligence, electronic warfare, radar, image processing, targeting and vision systems) and high speed embedded system test.
Why is digital signal processing used in high speed oscilloscopes?
Digital signal processing (DSP) is now ubiquitous in all consumer and commercial products and provides enhancements to core hardware operation. High speed oscilloscopes primarily use DSP to correct for small variations in amplifier magnitude response and system phase (delay) response. This results in a very consistent input signal pulse response across all input channels and gain ranges, which is ideal. This technical brief Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in Oscilloscopes provides more details.
Why does Teledyne LeCroy offer selectable signal optimization modes for the oscilloscope response?
Digital signal processing (DSP) can control the magnitude response and phase (delay) response to achieve faster or slower signal risetimes and delayed or balanced preshoot/overshoot. Basically, if magnitude response is a slow (Bessel) rolloff, the step response will have a slower rise time, whereas if the magnitude response has a brick-wall rolloff, the step response will have a faster rise time (but higher amplitude preshoot/overshoot). If the phase (delay) response is not flat (i.e., there is some time propagation delay of the signal at very high frequencies), preshoot is minimized in the step response but overshoot will be higher. If the phase (delay) response is flat (i.e., there is zero time propagation delay of the signal at very high frequencies), the preshoot and overshoot will be equalized on the signal. Different users in different applications value the tradeoffs differently between signal rise time and overshoot, and balanced vs. unbalanced preshoot/overshoot. Page 6 of the technical brief Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in Oscilloscopes provides more details.
Why do I see preshoot on a high speed rising edge? How can the oscilloscope “predict” the rising edge?
Reference the previous question. Historically (prior to the use of digital signal processing in oscilloscopes), there would be some non-zero time (propagation) delay of the oscilloscope analog input signal as it traveled down the oscilloscope signal path transmission line and through the amplifier, and higher frequencies would be delayed more than lower frequencies. This resulted in the preshoot being delayed and appearing as more overshoot in the step response. This is true of all oscilloscopes, not just Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes.
What is digital bandwidth interleaving (DBI)?
Digital bandwidth interleaving (DBI) is a technique invented at Teledyne LeCroy to split a high bandwidth signal path into two signal paths, using radio frequency (RF) downconversion of the higher bandwidth half to roughly match the frequency response of the lower bandwidth half for signal acquisition, followed by RF upconversion and use of digital signal processing (DSP) to merge the two signals together into a single high bandwidth signal path. DBI has been used successfully with no drawbacks (aside from half the number of channels) for more than 20 years to provide twice the oscilloscope bandwidth than would otherwise be possible using chip bandwidth alone. The technical brief Digital Bandwidth Interleaving and the white paper The Interleaving Process in Digital Bandwidth Interleaving (DBI) Scopes provide more details about DBI.
Why is the internal sample (timebase) clock in some high speed fast oscilloscopes so much better than other similar oscilloscopes?
Oscilloscopes can be designed with a very high quality (and more expensive) sample clock or with a lower quality (and less expensive) sample clock. Additionally, the internal routing of the sample clock signal can be on a trace on the main acquisition board (where it is subject to crosstalk and other contamination) or through a shielded cable (a more expensive approach).
Why does the bandwidth measurement of my high speed oscilloscope (using a step-response input and an FFT of the channel response) differ from the manufacturer’s bandwidth rating?
Using a step-response input to the oscilloscope and a subsequent FFT of the channel response is an acceptable rough check of the oscilloscope bandwidth. However, if the input step-response is not significantly faster than the oscilloscope rise time, then the measured bandwidth with this method will be lower than the oscilloscope rating. Oscilloscope manufacturers use calibrated signal generators to sweep the frequency of the input signal and measure the frequency response (after correction for any losses in the system) and this is a much more rigorous method from a metrology standpoint.
Why are my high speed oscilloscope measured rise times sometimes less than the manufacturer’s specifications?
Oscilloscope manufacturers typically don’t guarantee the specification for rise time. However, some manufacturers (including Teledyne LeCroy) specify rise time as a test limit, which means that the oscilloscope channel has been tested with an input step response and the rise time is measured to ensure it is at or below the specified value provided in the datasheet. Other manufacturers specify their rise time based off a formula (e.g., 0.4/bandwidth) and this may result in a very aspirational rise time specification if the oscilloscope doesn’t perform according to the formula. Additionally, some manufacturers have specified their oscilloscope rise times while operating in a special mode (e.g., one that replicates the very high sample rate operation of a sampling scope while acquiring a repetitive signal). Obviously, if the signal being measured is not repetitive and/or you are not using the special mode, then your measured rise time will be different than the specified rise time.
4 (Any combination of 33 GHz ProAxial inputs or 2 GHz ProBus inputs), 3 (A combination of one 1.85mm input @ full BW and two ProLink or ProBus inputs), or 2 (1.85mm inputs @ full BW)
1.85mm inputs: 16000 Mpts on 1 or 2 Ch ProBus/ProAxial inputs: 8000 Mpts on 4 Ch
4 (Any combination of 33 GHz ProAxial inputs or 2 GHz ProBus inputs), 3 (A combination of one 1.85mm input @ full BW and two ProLink or ProBus inputs), or 2 (1.85mm inputs @ full BW)
1.85mm inputs: 16000 Mpts on 1 or 2 Ch ProBus/ProAxial inputs: 8000 Mpts on 4 Ch
4 (Any combination of 33 GHz ProAxial inputs or 2 GHz ProBus inputs), 3 (A combination of one 1.85mm input @ full BW and two ProLink or ProBus inputs), or 2 (1.85mm inputs @ full BW)
1.85mm inputs: 16000 Mpts on 1 or 2 Ch ProBus/ProAxial inputs: 8000 Mpts on 4 Ch
4 (Any combination of 33 GHz ProAxial inputs or 2 GHz ProBus inputs), 3 (A combination of one 1.85mm input @ full BW and two ProLink or ProBus inputs), or 2 (1.85mm inputs @ full BW)
1.85mm inputs: 16000 Mpts on 1 or 2 Ch ProBus/ProAxial inputs: 8000 Mpts on 4 Ch
4 (Any combination of 33 GHz ProAxial inputs or 2 GHz ProBus inputs), 3 (A combination of one 1.85mm input @ full BW and two ProLink or ProBus inputs), or 2 (1.85mm inputs @ full BW)
1.85mm inputs: 16000 Mpts on 1 or 2 Ch ProBus/ProAxial inputs: 8000 Mpts on 4 Ch
4 (Any combination of 33 GHz ProAxial inputs or 2 GHz ProBus inputs), 3 (A combination of one 1.85mm input @ full BW and two ProLink or ProBus inputs), or 2 (1.85mm inputs @ full BW)
1.85mm inputs: 16000 Mpts on 1 or 2 Ch ProBus/ProAxial inputs: 8000 Mpts on 4 Ch
High Voltage Fiber Optic Probe, 150 MHz Bandwidth. Includes soft-carrying case. Requires attenuating tip (ordered separately). Includes Qty. 1 1m Fiber Optic Cable.
Power/Voltage Rail Probe. 2 GHz bandwidth, 1.2x attenuation, +/-60V offset, +/-800mV Includes a complete set of solder-in leads and coaxial cables. Browser tip sold seperately
Power/Voltage Rail Probe. 4 GHz bandwidth, 1.2x attenuation, +/-60V offset, +/-800mV Includes a complete set of solder-in leads and coaxial cables. Browser tip sold seperately