Wireless Test Solutions for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Matter, Thread, Zigbee

Protocol AnalyzersProtocol Analyzers
Protocol TestersProtocol Testers
RF PHY TestersRF PHY Testers
Discontinued ProductsDiscontinued Products

Develop, test, and debug Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 802.15.4 enabled products using our wireless test solutions - from RF PHY to protocol.

Teledyne LeCroy's Frontline family of wireless protocol analyzers, sniffers, and testers deliver unparalleled performance for complex multi-technology test environments including market-leading support for the latest Bluetooth, Wi-Fi (802.11), and Matter/Thread/Zigbee (802.15.4) technologies. We've got you covered - from RF PHY testing to protocol analysis to Bluetooth LE conformance testing.

Protocol Analyzers

The Frontline family of Bluetooth protocol analyzers make it easier to get products to market faster by helping troubleshoot, debug, and decode these complex communication streams. Capture, decrypt, decode, and analyze packets across multiple wireless technologies.

Protocol Tester / Exerciser / Compliance Tester

Pre-compliance, debugging, regression and robustness testing for chipset vendors and product manufacturers in any stage of the manufacturing process – from development to post release.

Bluetooth RF PHY Testers

Radio frequency testers to test the physical properties of the RF systems. Used for both Bluetooth and 802.15.4 technologies – making complex and expensive testing possible.

Need Assistance or Information?

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you