Frontline 802.11 a/b/g/n Protocol Analyzer (Discontinued)


Precise Timestamp and Improved Bluetooth



The sheer volume of 802.11 data flowing between devices can be staggering, which can cause issues capturing and decoding the traffic. The Frontline 802.11 protocol analyzer has an in-built ~250GB data buffer to passively capture 3x3 MIMO Wi-Fi traffic real-time.

Precise Timestamp and Improved Bluetooth Coexistence

Frontline’s ProbeSync™ technology enables more than one protocol analyzer to be connected together sharing a common clock so that the captured packets from the analyzers are timestamped relative to each other.

Frontline 802.11 a/b/g/n Protocol Analyzer and Sodera Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer - Coexistence

The Frontline 802.11 can be connected via ProbeSync™ with the Frontline Sodera Series Bluetooth analyzers to provide a single capture with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth packets time-aligned in the Wireless Protocol Suite Coexistence view. The captured data can be reviewed real-time or saved as a file for post capture analysis.

In addition up to 3 802.11 analyzers may be connected together using ProbeSync™ to capture 3 Wi-Fi channels simultaneously.


  • Get the Data You Need - Our built-in ~250GB buffer means more reliable and complete captures.
  • Bluetooth Coexistence - Frontline's ProbeSync™ technology enables the capture of 802.11 and Bluetooth packets with precise timestamp synchronization.
  • Wireless Protocol Suite Coexistence View - Provides a single view of all captured packets for real-time or post capture analysis.
  • Trust the Data You Get - Get exact timing information for each packet. The Frontline 802.11 provides reliable and accurate timestamps for all packets.
  • Supported Protocols - 802.11 a/b/g/n supported.



Frontline 802.11


Frontline 802.11 Quick Start Guide

Product Manual

Frontline 802.11 User Manual

Product Manual

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