Technical Library

Technical Library

The Application Notes section of the Teledyne LeCroy Technical Library lets you search for, browse, and print the latest technical documentation. A search aid allows you to filter documents by category or keyword.

Application Notes on this site are available in PDF format for easy download.

Application Notes

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Results 1-10


qdPrime Automated Test Coverage: Getting started

Teledyne LeCroy qdPrime test suite overview.

Using quantumdata M42de to transmit a continuous test pattern

This Technical Brief illustrates how the M42de can be used to characterize an active cable by using the Tx port to transmit various test patterns.

PD 3.1 "Fast Role Swap" Compliance Tests

Overview of the PD 3.1 Fast Role Swap test implementation for the Voyager M310e system.

Tutorial on SierraNet Jammer

A step by step example for creating SAN traffic impairment tests