USB and USB-C® Electrical Test Solutions

Best OscilloscopeBest Oscilloscope
USB 3.2 USB 3.2
Cross Layer AnalysisCross Layer Analysis
USB 2.0 / USB-PDUSB 2.0 / USB-PD
Engineer using Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster 8000HD and Anritsu SQA-R MP1900A BERT performing calibration and BER testing for USB4 or Thunderbolt.

USB and USB Type-C® Electrical Test Leadership – From PHY to Protocol

Teledyne LeCroy provides the best electrical and protocol solutions for USB-C Testing, including USB4®, Thunderbolt, USB 3.2, USB 2.0, DisplayPort 2.1, and USB Power Delivery, all over the USB Type-C Connector.

  • The best oscilloscope for USB-C testing
  • Validation and compliance in a fraction of the time
  • Unmatched USB-C link testing with cross-layer analysis

The Best Oscilloscope for USB-C Testing

The WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscope combines high-speed and sideband testing into a single instrument, making it the only oscilloscope that performs PHY compliance and debug. It gives you the power to go beyond compliance to debug USB Type-C system interoperability failures.

The WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscope with callouts supporting its application in USB Type-C high-speed testing and USB-C sideband  testing

USB4 Compliance and Thunderbolt Test, with Support for Complete USB Type-C Testing of DisplayPort and USB 3.2

Teledyne LeCroy provides the fastest and most efficient validation and compliance testing for 2, 3 and 4-lane USB-C technologies such as USB4, Thunderbolt, DisplayPort 2.1 and USB 3.2

WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscope with WavePulser 40iX high-speed interconnect analyzer for USB channel S-parameter measurements.

USB4 Compliance and Thunderbolt Test in a Fraction of the Time

USB4 Version 2.0 Tx/Rx compliance (Gen2/Gen3/Gen4) in a fraction of the time

  • Tx/Rx physical layer compliance testing in one unified test interface
  • Run all Tx tests on the oscilloscope (without external processing hardware) or post-process offline using QPHY2-PC
  • Anritsu MP1900A Rx Calibration and BER testing on the oscilloscope or on a remote PC
  • Debug compliance failures with SDAX-USB4-TBT Serial Data Expert Analysis
USB 3.2 long channel receiver (Rx) calibration using WaveMaster 8250D oscilloscope and Anritsu MP1900A SQA BERT.

USB 3.2, USB 3.1, and USB 3.0

USB 3.2 compliance testing to “Gold Suite” levels

  • Fast and easy USB 3.2 Tx/Rx physical layer compliance testing
  • LFPS/LBPM, SCD testing using a variety of LFPS generators
  • High-speed Rx testing using the Anritsu MP1900A BERT
  • Debug USB 3.2 compliance failures with SDAX-USB32 Serial Data Expert Analysis
WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscope running USB4, Thunderbolt, DisplayPort Transmitter testing with WilderTech controllers

DisplayPort over USB-C

VESA approved PHY CTS compliance for DisplayPort 2.1/1.4 Sources and Sinks

USB-C Compliance Test Experience, Leadership, Support

Combining the Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster 8000HD Oscilloscope and QualiPHY® automated compliance test software with the Anritsu SQA-R MP1900A BERT results in the most powerful characterization, compliance and debug solution available. First-line support for the solution is available from the industry’s most experienced USB-C field support team at Teledyne LeCroy

WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscope performing USB4 PHY electrical compliance test.

WaveMaster 8000HD Oscilloscope

WaveMaster 8000HD supports all generations of USB and DisplayPort Tx/Rx testing, at all required bandwidths:

  • 25 GHz for USB4, Thunderbolt and DisplayPort UHBR
  • 16 GHz for USB 3.2 (Gen2) and DisplayPort HBR3
  • 13 GHz for USB 3.2 (Gen1) and DisplayPort RBR/HBR/HBR2
  • All models support USB 2.0

Use the WavePulser 40iX for Rx Channel calibration and characterization

QualiPHY 2 automated compliance software for USB4 transmitter (Tx) testing

QualiPHY Validation and Compliance Test Software

QualiPHY software options QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX, QPHY-USB3.2-TXRX, QPHY-USB, and QPHY-DP2-Source/Sink fully automate all aspects of USB-C PHY compliance testing.

  • Transmitter (Source) Testing
  • Receiver (Sink) Testing
  • Sideband (USB4-SB and DP-AUX) Compliance
  • Report generation

Teledyne LeCroy provides full application support for all integrated electrical test solutions.

Anritsu MP1900A for USB-C receiver calibration and BER testing

Anritsu SQA-R MP1900A

The Anritsu SQA-R MP1900A is a high-speed BERT solution in one box. It combines:

  • Jitter and noise generation for all Sink and Rx calibration and BER testing
  • High quality waveform PPG with integrated 10-tap emphasis
  • LTSSM loopback and Error detector with variable CTLE for USB 3.2 Rx testing

With time and temperature jitter drift of less than +/- 2% (2 days, +/- 5 deg), the MP1900A has the highest signal quality for the most repeatable results.

banner ad for qphy2

Unmatched USB-C Link Testing: CrossSync™ PHY for PHY-Protocol Cross-layer Analysis

CrossSync PHY seamlessly merges a protocol analyzer and oscilloscope. USB CrossSync PHY enables USB4 and Thunderbolt waveforms from Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes to be viewed alongside M4x protocol analyzer traces, with complete time correlation of electrical and protocol information for easy and powerful validation and root-cause analysis. TF-USB-C Test Coupon Fixtures eliminate the complexity of cross probing the same interface for capture by both the protocol analyzer and oscilloscope.

Block diagram of Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope, protocol analyzer, CrossSync PHY software, and USB test coupon fixtures for cross-layer analysis
Block diagram of Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope, protocol analyzer, CrossSync PHY software, and USB test coupon fixtures for cross-layer analysis
Block diagram of Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope, protocol analyzer, CrossSync PHY software, and USB test coupon fixtures for cross-layer analysis

Validate and debug Thunderbolt and USB Type-C active link operation.

  • TF-USB-C-HS Test Coupon Fixtures enable observation of both electrical and protocol behavior without disturbing the link
  • USB-C Sideband signals (USB-PD, USB4-SB, and DP-AUX, USB VBUS (Voltage and Current) are accessible using passive or active probes
  • High-bandwidth oscilloscope probing points for USB data lanes

Quickly resolve interoperability issues by capturing the entire protocol stack

  • Trigger protocol analyzer and oscilloscope captures on the same high-level event
  • Easily measure timing relationships between protocol and electrical domains
  • Faster root-cause analysis means fewer costly finger-pointing exercises

Analyze link training with integrated physical and protocol views

  • Observe electrical-level results of protocol-level commands
  • Combined navigation means always knowing which protocol and electrical behaviors happen at the same time
  • No single instrument can deliver this level of cross-layer insight into link training
Download Understand Link Training for USB4 and DisplayPort 2.1 protocol White Paper

Unmatched USB-C Link Testing: PHY-logic and Sideband Debug

Link training and sideband negotiation failures account for many compliance and interoperability failures found on USB Type-C connected devices. These failures can be quickly identified as either physical or link layer issues by using Teledyne LeCroy's Physical Layer Logical Sub-Block and Sideband debug solutions.

USB4 PHY-logic layer debug with M4X Exerciser/Analyzer and WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscope
USB Type-C USB4 high-speed and sideband debug/test coupon fixtures

Probe all Signals at the USB Type-C Connector

The WaveMaster 8000HD triggers on the USB4 Preset change and captures the high-speed data lanes for further analysis

Sideband Trigger

Watch Video:USB4 Debug Watch Video: USB3.2 Debug
USB Type-C USB4 high-speed and sideband debug/test coupon fixtures

Power Delivery and ‘Alt Modes’

Watch Video: USB-C Sideband Watch Video: USB Vbus @ PS-RDY Watch Video: DisplayPort Alt Mode

Built-In USB-C Test Expertise Provided in Serial Data Analysis (SDA) Expert

Teledyne LeCroy builds decades of industry standard expertise into SDA Expert (SDAX) serial data analysis software and options. Simply select the standard, configure the test point, and select measurements.

Select USB Standard in SDA Expert

Simply select the USB serial standard from a pre-defined list and gain instant test expertise for measuring and characterizing USB signals. Available with USB technology options for SDA Expert.

  • Easily configurable test point setup
  • Comprehensive Eye, Jitter, and other USB-C PHY measurements
  • Simple, powerful equalization analysis
Explore More

Configure USB Test Point

Test Point Configuration lets you perform transmitter testing at any test point in the link. The dynamic test point diagram changes based on your selection, in order to reduce setup errors.

  • Test at the ‘PHY Si’ test point by using a measured S-parameter file to de-embed back to the transmitter pins
  • Select TP2 and connector type to test at the device connector
  • Select TP4_EQ to embed the standard’s cable model and apply equalization

Use the WavePulser 40iX to create S-parameter files for embedding, de-embedding, and channel emulation for serial data analysis.

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Select USB Measurements

USB-C technology specific measurements defined in the USB4, Thunderbolt, USB 3.2, and DisplayPort CTS (compliance test specifications) are accessible at a touch of a button in SDA Expert software.

  • USB Transmitter Equalization (TxEq, TX-FFE) measurements
  • USB Eye Testing - Eye Height, Eye Width, Eye Mask Testing
  • Amplitude – ACCM (AC Common mode), Pk-Pk Voltage, SNDR
  • Jitter – RJ (Random Jitter), DJ (Deterministic Jitter), TJ (Total Jitter), UJ (Uncorrelated Jitter), UDJ (Uncorrelated Deterministic Jitter), OEJ (Odd-Even Jitter)
  • SSC (Spread Spectrum Clock) – SSC Frequency Variation, SSC Rate, SSC Range
Explore More

USB-C High-speed Testing Compare – Teledyne LeCroy, Keysight, Tektronix

Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes performance, features, and capabilities make them the ideal oscilloscope four USB-C testing Select the right Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope for your USB-C testing. Compare to Keysight oscilloscopes and Tektronix oscilloscopes.

USB-C High-speed
Oscilloscope Features
Required 25 GHz Bandwidth
Required 80GS/s Sample Rate
Max Record Length
High-speed Inputs (50 Ohm)
Sideband Inputs (1M Ohm)
Sideband Triggers
High-speed Data Bus Decoders
Protocol Analysis on Oscilloscope Data
Sideband Triggers and Decoders
Sideband PHY Measurements
Sideband MSO Trigger & Decode
Built in USB-C technology options
PHY Tx (Source) Compliance Software
PHY Rx (Sink) Compliance Software
USB4 and Thunderbolt
USB 3.2
DisplayPort 2.1/1.4
PHY-Logic Layer Test Fixture
Cross-layer Analysis
Front Panel SuperSpeed USB Ports
Teledyne LeCroy
WaveMaster 8000HD
12 bits
8 Gpts
Using MP1900A
TF-USB-C-HS Test Coupon Fixture
(CrossSync PHY)
UXR Series
10 bits
2 Gpts
Decode Only
Active Link Fixture
DPO70000SX Series
8 bits
500 Mpts
Using MP1900A

USB 2.0 Electrical PHY Test Suite

The USB 2.0 standard consists of Low Speed (LS – 1.5Mb/s), Full Speed (FS – 12Mb/s), and High Speed (HS – 480Mb/s). Teledyne LeCroy Oscilloscope used with QPHY-USB software, active probes, and protocol layer tools provides a complete test solution for USB 2.0 electrical compliance testing and debug.

USB2 TDME (Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, Eye) and ProtoSync Software
USB 2.0, USB2, USB2.0 High-speed test packet on WavePro High Definition Oscilloscope

USB 2.0 Compliance

QPHY-USB test software implements a full set of USB-IF approved electrical tests for USB 2.0, including High-, Full-, and Low-speed tests

  • Support for host, device, and hub testing
  • Simple and easy-to-use automated testing
  • Available TF-USB-B test fixture
Watch Video: USB 2.0 Compliance

Protocol Trigger and Decode

Watch Video: USB-C Test Coupons
WavePro High Definition Oscilloscope for USB2 Compliance, USB2.0, USB 2.0 Compliance

Recommended Oscilloscopes

Recommended models for USB 2.0:

  • WaveMaster 8000HD oscilloscopes for USB-C for all USB-C testing (USB4, USB 3.2, and USB 2.0, Thunderbolt, DisplayPort)
  • WavePro HD oscilloscopes for USB 2.0 compliance and USB-C sideband testing

USB Type-C Power Delivery

Only Teledyne LeCroy supplies the full range of solutions for USB Power Delivery

  • Oscilloscope-based TDMP for USB‑PD and USB Type‑C 'Alt Mode' debug
  • Comprehensive USB Type‑C & PD Compliance Test platforms
  • Low-cost solutions for USB 2.0, PD, and 'Alt Mode' protocol analysis
USB-PD TDMP (Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, Physical Layer) Software

Oscilloscope TDMP for USB-PD and DP-AUX Debug

  • Access CC1/CC2, VBUS, and ILoad using TF‑USB‑C‑SB debug coupon
  • Trigger – Trigger on PD preamble, ordered set, messages, and errors
  • Decode - Decode SPR and EPR PD messages
  • Measure/Graph – electrical voltage, current, and timing measurements
  • Physical Layer – BMC Eye mask testing & measurements

100% Coverage for USB‑PD and USB Type‑C Compliance

  • USB‑IF Approved for PD & Type‑C Compliance Testing
  • The only USB-IF approved solutions for USB 3.2 Gen2 and USB4 Link Layer Compliance testing
  • Integrated Data and PD Exercisers for device and host traffic generation
voyager protocol analyzer

Portable Affordable Power Delivery analyzers

  • Analyze and debug PD / Type-C messages & state changes
  • Industry's most comprehensive USB device class decoding
  • Power Tracker™ graphical display of VBUS power and current
mercury t2c protocol analyzer

USB-C Sideband Testing Compare – Teledyne LeCroy, Keysight, Tektronix

Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes performance, features, and capabilities make them the ideal oscilloscope four USB-C testing Select the right Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope for your USB-C testing. Compare to Keysight oscilloscopes and Tektronix oscilloscopes.

USB-C High-speed
Oscilloscope Features
Max Sample Rate
Max Record Length
Sideband Triggers
Data Bus Decoder

USB 3.2 (Gen1)
USB 2.0
Sideband MSO Trigger & Decode
USB 2.0 Compliance Software
Sideband PHY-Logic Capabilities
PHY-Logic Test Coupon
Protocol Analysis on Oscilloscope Data
USB 2.0 and USB 3.2 (Gen1)
MXR Series
2 – 6 GHz
10 bits
16 GS/s
1.6 Gpts
Trigger Decode
Active Link Fixture
6 Series
2 – 6 GHz
12-bit ADC
12-bit ADC
1 Gpt


USB CrossSync PHY

Interoperability issues can lead to finger-pointing exercises that cost money and time-to-market. Teledyne LeCroy CrossSync PHY software merges the functions of your Teledyne LeCroy protocol analyzer and oscilloscope - giving insight into link behavior that no other instrument can provide.

TF-USB-C Test Coupon Fixtures

PHY logic layer and sideband negotiation issues account for many compliance and interoperability failures in USB Type-C connected devices. These failures can be quickly debugged using unmatched PHY-logic layer and sideband debug solutions on a wide range of oscilloscopes

Data Sheet – USB-C (USB 2.0, USB-PD, DP-AUX, USB4-SB) TDMP

Teledyne LeCroy’s Trigger (T), Decode (D), Measure/Graph (M or G) and Eye Diagram and Physical Layer (E or P) options are the best in the industry and nearly universally available across the entire Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope product line

Data Sheet – USB4 Solutions

The complete range of electrical and combined electrical+protocol test validation, compliance, and debug for USB4.

Data Sheet – USB4 Decode, Measure, Eye (DME)

USB4bus DME (Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagram) software
provides eye diagram measurements recovering the clock on decoded
symbols. Evaluate high-speed signal quality during link training as the transmitter sends SLOS (Symbol Lock Ordered Sets) to the receiver during link training.

Data Sheet – USB 3.2 PHY Test Solution

Since becoming the first USB-IF "Gold Suite" in 2011, Teledyne LeCroy continues to be the trusted leader in all the latest USB Type-C technologies including USB 3.2. Teledyne Lecroy goes beyond compliance to provide the deepest signal integrity and cross layer (protocol/electrical) toolbox for system level debug available.

Data Sheet – USB 3.2 Decode

The USB 3.2 decode option for Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes provides link layer decode information annotated on the USB 3.2 physical layer waveforms. This provides the ability to view protocol traffic on the oscilloscope and verify that the link is alive and transmitting properly.

Data Sheet – USB 2.0 Compliance Testing

The USB package provides a complete acquisition and analysis system for USB 2.0 devices, hosts, and hubs, as specified in the USB-IF USB 2.0 Electrical Test Specification.

Data Sheet – ProtoSync

The USB 3.2 decode option for Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes provides link layer decode information annotated on the USB 3.2 physical layer waveforms. This provides the ability to view protocol traffic on the oscilloscope and verify that the link is alive and transmitting properly.

Configuring the SSCTrack operator for Spread Spectrum Clock Demodulation of Serial Data

This application note outlines how to configure the SSCTrack math operator settings to perform spread spectrum clock demodulation of serial data waveforms.

Application Note
Your USB4 and DisplayPort Designs Will Fail Unless You Understand Link Training

Complex USB4 and DisplayPort 2.1 protocol, electrical and signal integrity issues can manifest themselves in difficult-to-solve link problems, requiring new approaches to testing and debug to ensure high quality and reliable products. Download the White Paper to learn more.


USB Type-C® Technologies PHY Testing Webinar Series

Join Teledyne LeCroy for our webinar series on USB Type-C technologies with a focus on the physical layer, from an introduction to the various technologies in the Type-C ecosystem to USB 3.2, USB4™, Thunderbolt™, DisplayPort™, USB4 Type-C sideband (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort AUX, USB4 SB) testing.

Register for all

Part 1 - Part 1 Introduction to USB Type-C® Technologies Physical Layer Testing

The USB Type-C connector is quickly becoming the PC industry’s standard for converged high-speed data, display (video) and power delivery. In this session we will provide an overview of all the electrical signals sent over the USB Type-C connector and how to test them.

Part 2 – USB 3.2 Physical Layer Compliance Test Overview

In this session we focus on the USB 3.2 specification given its ubiquitous use for USB peripherals. We will cover new test requirements for the USB 3.2 CTS and the tools for testing it.

Part 3 – USB4® Version 1.0 and Thunderbolt Physical Layer Compliance Testing

In this session we will provide an update of the latest tools available for USB4 electrical validation and compliance testing and requirements to adhere to the USB-IF’s test program.

Part 4 – How to Debug USB4™ and USB 3.2 PHY-logic and Sideband Links

In this session we will focus on compliance and interoperability (C&I) of USB Type-C connected hosts, hubs, adapters, and peripherals, with practical approaches to debugging electrical system issues that may occur when connecting USB-C devices together and meeting all USB-IF and Thunderbolt Specifications

Part 5 - How to Perform DisplayPort™ 2 Physical Layer Compliance Testing and Debug

In this session we review the latest PHY test requirements DisplayPort 2. Source and Sink test updates and new VESA compliance program requirements.

Part 6 – USB4® Version 2.0 Tx/Rx Physical Layer Compliance Testing

Join Teledyne LeCroy as we provide an update on USB4® Version 2.0 electrical validation and compliance testing, the latest tools available, and challenges you might encounter in meeting the timelines of the USB-IF test program.

QPHY2-USB4-TX-RX Overview
USB4-SB Triggering
USB CrossSync PHY
USB-C Test Coupon Fixtures
USB Type-C Sideband Testing
USB4 Transmitter Compliance
USB4 Receiver Compliance
USB4 S-parameter Measurements
USB 3.2 PHY and PHY-Logic Testing
USB 3.2 Transmitter Compliance
USB 3.2 Receiver Compliance
USB 3.2 PHY-Logic Debug
USB Power Delivery Measurements
DisplayPort Alt Mode Debug

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USB Type-C®, and USB-C®, USB4® are trademarks of the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) and are intended for use with products based on and compliant with USB Type-C cable and connector specification. DisplayPort™ is a trademark of Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). Thunderbolt™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation.