Oscilloscope Probes
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Active Voltage Probes

Engineers must commonly probe high-frequency signals with high signal fidelity. Typical passive probes with high input R and C provide good response at lower frequencies, but inappropriately load the circuit, and distort signals, at higher frequencies. Active voltage probes feature both high input R and low input C to reduce circuit loading across the entire probe/oscilloscope bandwidth. With low circuit loading, and a form factor that allows probing in confined areas, the active voltage probe becomes the everyday probe for all different types of signals and connection points.

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   Active Voltage Probes

ZS4000 - 4.0 GHz, 0.6 pF, 1 MOhm Active Voltage Probe
ZS2500 - 2.5 GHz, 0.9 pF, 1 MOhm Active Voltage Probe
ZS1000 - 1 GHz, 0.9 pF, 1 MOhm Active Voltage Probe
ZS1500 - 1.5 GHz, 0.9 pF, 1 MOhm Active Voltage Probe
ZS Series High Impedance Active Probes

The ZS Series probes provide high impedance and an extensive set of probe tips and ground accessories to handle a wide range of probing scenarios. The high 1 MΩ input resistance and low 0.9 pF input capacitance means this probe is ideal for all frequencies. The ZS Series probes provide full system bandwidth with all Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes with bandwidths of 4 GHz and lower.

ZS Series probes

Model Bandwidth Input R Input C Dynamic Range OffsetRange Interface
ZS1000 1 GHz 1 MΩ 0.9 pF ± 8 V NA ProBus
ZS1500 1.5 GHz 1 MΩ 0.9 pF ± 8 V ± 12 V ProBus
ZS2500 2.5 GHz 1 MΩ 0.9 pF ± 8 V ± 12 V ProBus
ZS4000 4 GHz 1 MΩ 0.6 pF ± 8 V ± 12 V ProBus