Oscilloscope Probes
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Probe Adapters

Probe adapters provide simple and easy interface of third-party probes as well as change between the different Teledyne LeCroy Oscilloscope input and cable types (ProBus, ProLink, K/2.92 mm, BNC and SMA). Depending on the adapters, changing between the Teledyne LeCroy Oscilloscope's input type may have an effect on the overall performance of the channel.

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   Probe Adapters

TPA10 - TekProbe to ProBus Probe Adapter
LPA-2.92 - ProLink to 2.92mm Adapter with Probe Power and Communication Pass Through
LPA-2.92-PX-KIT - ProLink to 2.92mm ProAxial Adapter with Probe Power and Communication Pass Through
L2.92A-PBUS - 2.92mm to ProBus Adapter with Probe Power and Communication Pass Through
L2.92A-PLINK - 2.92mm to ProLink Adapter with Probe Power and Communication Pass Through