Oscilloscope Probes
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High Voltage Passive Probes

The PPE6KV-A and HVP120 can handle up to 6000 Vpeak transient overvoltages and are designed for probing up to 2000 Vrms and 1000 Vrms respectively. Fast rise times, excellent frequency response, and a variety of standard accessories make these probes safe and ideal for high voltage measurement applications

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   High Voltage Passive Probes

HVP120 - 6kV High Voltage Passive Probe, 400 MHz
PPE6KV-A - 6kV High Voltage Passive Probe, 500 MHz
Key Features: High Voltage Passive Probes
  • 2000 Vrms input
  • 6000 Vpeak transients
  • Up to 500 MHz bandwidth
  • Ideal for Surge/EFT testing

High voltage single-ended passive probes are suitable for a wide range of applications where ground-referenced high-voltage measurements must be made safely and accurately. There is also a sense pin to automatically configure the oscilloscope for use with the probe.

Accessories are standard. No additional purchase necessary.

passive probe comparison table