Streamline project organization effortlessly with test session management tools.
- Add one or more devices to a single test session.
- Recall device test configurations from previous tests.
Import data to merge data from multiple test sessions for further analysis.
- One unified test framework contains all Tx and Rx test sessions.
Improve test automation using powerful Python-enabled program control.
- Create Looping on control parameters for production verification testing (PVT).
Repeat tests multiple times for repeatability.
Pretest and post test functions using your own Python scripts.
Leverage the ‘Capture Only’ mode in QualiPHY 2 to collect device waveform data on the oscilloscope in the lab.
The test tree is used to configure settings and select specific compliance tests to be completed.
- Waveforms from multiple devices, firmware versions, and test conditions can be captured in the same test session.
All waveforms are captured and saved in the single QualiPHY 2 test session file.
Analyze captured waveforms immediately in the lab using the oscilloscope PC, and make immediate determinations on the quality of the device under test and the test setup.
- Use Session Management capabilities to define and perform tests.
Use QualiPHY 2 algorithms, SDA Expert software, or 3rd party software such as Intel’s SigTest or AMD’s SeaSim to perform initial assessments.
Perform final captures and make measurements (as desired) with pass/fail results and margins loaded to the results database.
The QualiPHY 2 Results Database puts all the results right at your fingertips, ready for immediate review. Then, create a targeted report tailored to the specific task.
Each test appears indexed by run number
Table format provides sorting and filtering.
- Export table to .csv for additional analysis.
- Report ‘All’ test results, ‘Best’ or ‘Worst’ results under various conditions, or ‘Last’ when running final compliance test on a golden device.