Serial Data Validation and Compliance Software

QualiPHY 2 Overview QualiPHY 2 Overview
QualiPHY Overview QualiPHY Overview
Software OptionsSoftware Options

QualiPHY® 2 and QualiPHY Automated Test Frameworks

QualiPHY automated compliance test frameworks perform standardized physical layer tests on high-speed serial buses and other interfaces. QualiPHY or QualiPHY 2 software runs on Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes and is available for PCI Express®, USB, Thunderbolt, DDR, DisplayPort, HDMI® and other technologies.

  • Simplified test setup and interface
  • Automated test execution
  • Results reporting

Validation and Compliance in a Fraction of the Time Using QualiPHY 2

QualiPHY 2 is Teledyne LeCroy’s second-generation automated compliance test framework. QualiPHY 2 products provide the most intuitive and efficient compliance testing and allow users to perform time consuming analysis tasks offline (outside of the lab) for more productivity.

Serial data validation and compliance acquisition and testing performed in a lab using QualiPHY 2

Unified Tx/Rx Compliance Test Framework

QualiPHY 2 is a single automation test framework for all Tx and Rx testing.
  • Tx and Rx testing in one test interface.
  • Oscilloscope can run all tests without using an external server.
  • Oscilloscope can perform both Tx and Rx calibration.
QualiPHY 2 serial data automated test framework showing simplied test interface.

Simplified Test Interface

Easy to understand and to operate.
  • Single test tree view for all settings, test selections and pass/fail test results.
  • Pop-up connection diagrams always accessible in test tree.
  • Easily retest or remove tests from database.
  • Test automation using powerful Python-enabled program control
Serial data validation and compliance testing performed offline in an office using QualiPHY 2

Compliance On Time from Anywhere

Be more efficient and complete testing faster.
  • QPHY2-PC processes waveform data offline and frees the oscilloscope for other testing.
  • More efficient use of lab resources – optimize oscilloscope usage.
  • Complete testing faster – share test session across multiple labs and locations.

Unified Compliance Test Framework with Simplified Test Interface

QualiPHY 2 makes it simple to manage Tx and Rx test sessions in one unified test framework and automate all tests in a single process flow. Capture waveforms and perform only those tests and assessments necessary in the lab and maximize lab efficiency by deferring the complete final test and reporting outside the lab and offline from the equipment.

QualiPHY 2 automated serial data compliance and validation test framework test session management screen image
QualiPHY 2 automated serial data compliance and validation test framework showing test tree and advanced test control using Python
Serial data validation and compliance test engineer in a lab using and oscilloscope and a BERT for Tx and Rx testing.
Serial data validation test engineer performing lab testing for serial data compliance testing.
QualiPHY 2 serial data validation and compliance test results database with report definition and sample of final test report.

Streamline project organization effortlessly with test session management tools.

  • Add one or more devices to a single test session.
  • Recall device test configurations from previous tests.
  • Import data to merge data from multiple test sessions for further analysis.
  • One unified test framework contains all Tx and Rx test sessions.

Improve test automation using powerful Python-enabled program control.

  • Create Looping on control parameters for production verification testing (PVT).
  • Repeat tests multiple times for repeatability.
  • Pretest and post test functions using your own Python scripts.

Leverage the ‘Capture Only’ mode in QualiPHY 2 to collect device waveform data on the oscilloscope in the lab.

  • The test tree is used to configure settings and select specific compliance tests to be completed.
  • Waveforms from multiple devices, firmware versions, and test conditions can be captured in the same test session.
  • All waveforms are captured and saved in the single QualiPHY 2 test session file.

Analyze captured waveforms immediately in the lab using the oscilloscope PC, and make immediate determinations on the quality of the device under test and the test setup.

  • Use Session Management capabilities to define and perform tests.
  • Use QualiPHY 2 algorithms, SDA Expert software, or 3rd party software such as Intel’s SigTest or AMD’s SeaSim to perform initial assessments.
  • Perform final captures and make measurements (as desired) with pass/fail results and margins loaded to the results database.

The QualiPHY 2 Results Database puts all the results right at your fingertips, ready for immediate review. Then, create a targeted report tailored to the specific task.

  • Each test appears indexed by run number
  • Table format provides sorting and filtering.
  • Export table to .csv for additional analysis.
  • Report ‘All’ test results, ‘Best’ or ‘Worst’ results under various conditions, or ‘Last’ when running final compliance test on a golden device.

QPHY2-PC Off-line Compliance Test Software

Perform compliance testing on-time from anywhere. QPHY2-PC products permit you to capture waveforms in your lab and take your test session off-line, freeing the oscilloscope for other testing in the lab. It is compatible with any QualiPHY 2 software option.

  • Post-process waveforms, analyze test results, and generate reports away from the oscilloscope.
  • More efficient use of lab resources.
  • Share test sessions across multiple labs and locations

QPHY2-PC for Validation and Compliance, On Time, From Anywhere

Maximize your lab efficiency and keep your project schedule on time. QPHY2-PC revolutionizes lab efficiency by transferring non-acquisition tasks from the oscilloscope to a separate remote PC to maximize productivity.

PC remotely connected to oscilloscope over LAN for remote control and data collection
Serial data validation test manager assessing results of a compliance test performed in a lab and performing additional tests
QualiPHY 2 serial data validation and compliance test results timestamped and summarized in a table
QualiPHY 2 test report generated offline using QPHY2-PC
QPHY2-PC offline serial data validation and compliance test software test tree showing a deleted test result that needs to be rerun in the lab

Seamlessly connect to the oscilloscope in the lab using QPHY2-PC through LAN

  • For Tx testing, capture session data directly over the remote connection.
  • Perform BERT Calibrations for Rx testing on the oscilloscope, then perform the actual BER testing on the remote computer using QPHY2-PC.
  • QPHY2-PC processes the waveform data remotely and frees the oscilloscope for other testing.

‘Analysis Only’ mode in QPHY2-PC efficiently post-processes waveform data on the remote computer, freeing up the oscilloscope in the lab for other testing tasks.

  • Simply open the test session file on the remote computer and continue with testing .
  • Waveforms are analyzed offline by MAUI® Studio, Teledyne LeCroy’s SDA Expert software, or 3rd party software such as Intel’s SigTest or AMD’s SeaSim.
  • Measurements, pass/fail, and margin are loaded to the results database at the completion of all tests.

The Results Database in QPHY2-PC is the same database in the QualiPHY 2 software and results are merged when data sets are imported into a common test session. All the device results are at your fingertips and ready for immediate review.

  • Each test appears indexed by run number.
  • Table format provides sorting and filtering.
  • Export table to .csv for additional analysis.

Use QPHY2-PC Reporting to generate a targeted report tailored to the specific task at hand.

  • Report ‘All’ test results in the data base.
  • Report ‘Best’ or ‘Worst’ results over multiple devices or test conditions.
  • Report ‘Last’ when running final compliance test on a golden device.

Use QPHY2-PC to troubleshoot compliance failures and conduct retesting efficiently and offline, away from the lab. Create a detailed plan to capture new data upon return to the lab, using the Test Session Management tools to maximize efficiency while in the lab.

  • Remove unwanted test results from the database.
  • Further analyze waveforms using SDA Expert measurements in MAUI Studio Pro.
  • Re-Acquire failed tests in the lab using the same test session file.
  • Return to the lab with a modified Test Session file and keep the focus on specific tests needed for passing compliance.

Comprehensive Compliance Support Using QualiPHY

QualiPHY reduces the time and effort needed to perform compliance testing on many high-speed serial buses.

QualiPHY compliance example of supported serial data standards

Easy Setup

QualiPHY dialogs help the user configure all aspects of test execution, including:
  • Selecting the set of tests to run
  • Configuring test parameters
  • Customizing limits
  • Options to stop after each test or execute sequentially
QualiPHY test connection diagram

Streamlined Test Execution

QualiPHY guides the user though connection and execution of each test, resulting in increased repeatability.
  • Clear, informative connection diagrams simplify complex test setups
  • Dialogs explain test execution and required DUT settings
  • Host Program Control interface enables further automation
QualiPHY example of test reports

Informative Reporting

QualiPHY produces comprehensive reports documenting test results.
  • Save results in PDF or HTML format
  • Screenshots and tabular results included
  • Summary table at the start of the report makes it easy to review pass/fail results at a glance

QualiPHY and QualiPHY 2 - Serial Data Validation and Compliance Software Options


PCIe compliance testing block diagram

PCI Express

PCI Express compliance software options provide PCI-SIG approved compliance testing for all PCIe data rates.
USB compliance testing block diagram

USB and Thunderbolt

QualiPHY USB compliance software options provide USB-IF approved compliance for all USB data rates
HDMI compliance testing block diagram

DisplayPort and HDMI

QualiPHY DisplayPort and HDMI compliance software options provide approved DisplayPort and HDMI Forum testing.
QualiPHY for MIPI


QualiPHY MIPI compliance software options provide compliance testing as defined by the MIPI Alliance.


QualiPHY SAS and SATA compliance software options provide SATA/SAS conformance testing
QualiPHY for MOST50, MOST150


QualiPHY compliance software options for Automotive Standards MOST50/150.
screenshot of qphy2-asa compliance test software

Automotive SerDes

Automated compliance test software options for high-speed asymmetric data transmissions, such as used by cameras and displays.



    QPHY2-PC Datasheet


    QualiPHY 2 Installation Instructions

    QualiPHY 2 Automated Serial Data Compliance Test Framework Overview
    QPHY2-PC Off-line Compliance Testing – Compliance On Time from Anywhere

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